Friday, June 19, 2020

I can’t believe I actually did it :)

Present time: 18F, 155cm SW: 64kg CW: 52kg

Story: not sure about SW but I was a really chubby kid. Started dieting/exercising summer before 9th grade, lost a lot of weight and got down to 59kg, maintained for the rest of the year. Started 10th grade and decided to go lower (lo and behold yo-yo dieting). From 10th-11th grade, I kept going back and forth with diets and was really exhausted with the cycle. I was constantly thinking about weight loss but no matter what I’d always go back to 59kg. At some point I talked to a relative who’s a nutritionist and she gave me a diet plan. I got down to 55kg by eating a lot less than what she planned for me and to no ones surprise I was sick of feeling hungry all the time so I gave up and gained it all back. 11th grade was over and I spent the entire summer not caring about my weight. I always knew I carried my weight well so every time I gained a kilo or two, I just ignored it and went back to eating junk. Well summer was over and I went from 59 to 66kg. One day before 12th grade I decided to take this seriously. I did. Got down to 62-63, I’m short so friends noticed instantly which was really motivating...but for some reason I didn’t have it in me to continue so I stopped. Went on another diet later, went down to 60-61. A lot of people noticed which was really motivating...but again I stopped. Summer after 12 grade I was determined to lose weight (again). Got down to 58kg only to go back to 61kg a few days before university. Finished my first semester of uni and was 64kg.

6 months ago: few days before winter break I gave myself a goal of 55kg before I turn 18. Now this goal was different than the rest cuz for me, I always wanted to have the “foundation” of my life built by the time I turn 18 so I was working on other things as well and weight loss was definitely one of them and in my head I just had to achieve it no matter what. 18 to me is a big number so shit kept me going. I wanted to finally look at the mirror and genuinely think “damn I look great”. So after lots and lots and lots and lots of hard work...I DID IT!!!!! I FINALLY DID IT AND CAN’T BELIEVE I WENT EVEN BELOW MY GOAL! I never weighed this low and always wondered what it felt to be at this weight that I “would never reach”. The saddest part for me were those days when I was convincing myself how I’ll never lose weight no matter what and that it’s fine I don’t look that bad (but I felt like crying every time I had those thoughts because I wanted that more than anything and a part of me would die when I would come to the conclusion that I’ll never be able to do it). STFU OLD ME! My present self just proved that it was definitely possible and even though to a lot of people 12kgs is nothing, it’s one of the proudest moments of my life and it still feels like a dream. I don’t know if I’m gonna maintain or go lower I still didn’t decide but right now I’m just extremely happy with how much work I put into this and how it was all worth it! And yesss I did experience the “damn I look great” moment and it was everything!!! Thank you for reading :))

submitted by /u/Lunaeverest
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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