Saturday, June 13, 2020

i lost 51 lbs but i keep being compared to my sister who lost more weight

im asian and christmas and new years was such an awful experience for me because of the constant comments i got from family members about fat i was and how much weight my older sister had lost. I started to actually diet and change my lifestyle on january 27th and so now less than 6 months later ive lost 51lbs. im 5’1 and sw was 198 and im now at 147 and so for my frame i see a lot of changes and ive never felt so good about myself. i gained the weight over 4 years and i just want to go back to my old weight (110) which i know i can achieve. when an aunt sees me they say oh youve lost so much weight but not as much as your sister. like is that really necessary? i know i shouldnt take these things to heart bc whatever their opinion doesnt matter but how do i even react to this shit???? do you expect me to say thank you for telling me im still fat but good job on losing weight?? my sister started her journey around july 2019 and i started less than 6 months ago. this isnt a race and im so proud and happy for my sister because shes happy with herself and im starting to be happier with myself as well but comments like that just make me hate myself so fucking much its so hard and im just expected to take it. i didnt ask for anyone’s opinion on my body i would be 10x happier if they didnt mention my weight loss because its my body and they shouldnt have an opinion on what i fucking do with it. i wish i could say i dont care about their opinion but when its the only topic of conversation every single time youre seen its so tiring. it makes me go back to self destructive habits and i just dont know how to deal with it.

submitted by /u/altruisticallly
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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