Thursday, June 11, 2020

Lost 20kg, want to lose another 16.5kg

Hi All,

Long time lurker, first time poster, looking for advice/guidance/further inspiration !

A little background:

- around April last year i weighed 96kg (211lbs) and am now down to 76.5kg (169lbs) woo. I'm really happy with this progress. My goal weight is about 60kg and would love to decrease my body fat % (not sure what it is atm) and actually get fitter (eg run a 10k or whatever)

- ive not been religious about weighing myself in that time and i think ive prob had some up and down in that time

- i also started really with the low hanging fruit eg stopped eating out as much, quit drinking, started exercise (pre lock down, was going to a spin/HIIT studio about 4 times a week on average)

- These past few weeks that i've started weighing myself I've been stuck where i am (i.e., i'm worried about a plateau)

-Since lockdown, im prob doing HIIT on my peloton about twice a week and I'm probably averaging about 1400 kcal (pre exercise)

- I calculated my calories needed here and it says 1696 to reach 60kg by 1st Jan 2021

Some questions for the very wise people on this group:

(1) Should i increase my calories up to 1700? It seems a lot and I'm worried about weight gain, although i wasn't diligently tracking pre lockdown with all the extra exercise i was doing id guess it netted out to below that. That said, i dont want to be eating too little

(2) Any recommendations for breaking through this plateau?

(3) Do i need to change my diet/exercise regime. As i say, i've taken somewhat of a laissez-faire approach to date and dont track macros and only do cardio, relying mainly on the CICO principal

(4) Is it feasible to lose the additional 16.5kg by new years? its taken me over a year to lose the first 20kg, and i would imagine its harder to lose the second half, but i did so without too much of a focus on it

(5) any tips for the broader fitness point eg running a 10k, reducing body fat % or will that come naturally with further weight loss (i imagine its not so simple!)

Apologies or the long post but any more advice would be appreciated

submitted by /u/Lookingtolose15
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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