Wednesday, June 3, 2020

People Are Much Kinder After 80 Lbs Lost

I’m 6’ and currently weigh 185 lbs, and want to get down to about 175. I’ve been slowly and surely losing weight over the past two years, which has led me to some interesting observations about weight loss.

  1. People love to tell me how great I look now. I get it. I’m thinner. I’m healthier now, and I did the thing. But was I so repulsive before? “ it was hard to look at you” - a family member.

  2. People have been much more likely to smile at me, or to talk to me without much prompting. Before, I was mostly invisible in public. Even though I was very visible. It’s a strange dichotomy.

  3. I don’t recognize myself in the mirror yet, I am a thin stranger in comparison to my internal image of myself. Probably the reason I keep buying clothes that are too big for me, returning them, and having to repeat that irritating cycle.

I don’t know. I guess I thought i would be happy to finally fit back in a size 10, and that I wouldn’t be boiling with quiet resentment. Thanks for reading. Thoughts are welcome.

submitted by /u/_lord_of_the_fries_
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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