Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Starting my process all over again

3 years ago I was feeling unwell and went to see the doctor. Checked my blood pressure (not good) my cholesterol (not great, but not too bad) and hooked me up to the ECG.

That was when my world collapsed. The nurse runs out of the room and fetches the doctor in a panic. The doctor is anxious, worried and from his mannerisms I am extremely scared. I must go and see the cardiologist immediately.

Before anyone here has the same fear that I went through then, let me tell you that the doctor's manner was unwarranted. Yes the problem he identified on the ECG was correct. WPW syndrome. Yes it can cause problems, even death. No, despite the reaction of the doctor, it was very unlikely to kill me in the next few days.

I made my appointment with the cardiologist, and in the meantime evaluated my lifestyle.

At that time I weighed 135kg. Even at 186cm, that is still too much.

I looked at what I consumed. The biggest culprits in my diet (that I could easily identify) were soft drinks (Coke) and pasta. They had to go. All sugar had to stop.

I swapped out "Coke no sugar" for the regular Coke (the taste is very similar, and doesn't have the aftertaste of Coke Zero) and I cut out the pasta. 6 weeks later I was down to 120kg but my weight loss had stalled. I needed to do more.

  • I started walking to (and from) work each day. 4.5km in each direction.
  • I started walking during my lunch break at work (another 2-3km each day)
  • On my weekends I would go for ridiculously long walks (15-20km was not uncommon)

Over the next 2 months I dropped another 10kg; down to 110kg and once again stalled. I once again evaluated my daily intake. I would not encourage anyone to do what I did next, and may very well be attacked, but I drastically reduced my daily intake. There is no easy way of saying this. Basically Monday through Thursday I would barely eat with only moderate meals on Friday through Sunday (approx 1600 cal p day)

I got down to 98kg then Christmas came and with it the over-indulgence. In that week I gained a couple of kg back. After Christmas I relaxed the rules on the diet. Still watching what I ate but I was back to eating daily. My weight was fine, it was hovering around the 98-103kg mark. Still a bit above my goal, but that was ok.

I then went in for surgery to resolve the heart issue and a couple of days later went out for a bike ride. The bike ride was the stumbling block for my weight loss. I fell off and in doing so dislocated my shoulder. I was once again in surgery and spent the next 3 months in physio getting movement back in it and my momentum had stopped.

Since then I had not been watching my weight. I had not been taking notice of what I ate. Once again I am 125kg. My blood pressure is terrible (medicated now until it gets back under control) and yesterday I saw the dietitian. I explained my diet to her, and most of it is not that bad. The bit that stood out (and surprised me at how terrible it is) is rice.


Can you believe it? 3 cups of cooked, boiled rice (which is not uncommon for me to consume each day) is 770 cal. Almost half of my total daily allowed intake in that one small bowl.

So I am back on the cull again. Back reviewing what I eat and in what quantities. This time I need to be more encompassing with the review, even foods which don't (at first) seem that bad can be an absolute killer.

I suspect that my journey is going to be even longer than this story. Wish me luck.

submitted by /u/Joker-Smurf
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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