Saturday, June 13, 2020

Weight Loss Struggles

So, I posted a little while ago about the things I've found most helpful, and most motivating, while trying to lose weight. But I kind of also wanted to talk about the things that I have (and still do) struggle with, because it's been gnawing at me for a while and I want to get it out. Apologies if all of this has been said before.

  1. "The Initial Whoosh". This is something that I've seen loads of in statements like "I was 300+lbs and when I started I lost 8lbs in the first week! I was morbidly obese so I lost 20lbs in the first month!" This also comes from friends, family, and other people I know. They'd assure me that because I had so much to lose, it was bound to come off quickly in the beginning. I never had this initial whoosh. I started at over 300lbs as a 5 foot 5 woman, so I was almost led to believe it was my due. I did all the "right things". I counted my calories religiously, I exercised 5 times a week, and I lost... 0.5lbs in my first week. Nothing in my second week. A pound in my third week. I've been doing this for months now, and that whoosh of motivational weight coming off has never happened for me. I lose maybe 2lbs a week if I'm lucky, usually more like 1.5lbs. And that's FINE, that's even GOOD. But I was so conditioned to expect a lot to come off in the beginning, that feeling jealous of those who do get that initial loss, or a feeling of almost being cheated out of it, is something I still struggle with.
  2. The incessant discussions (and sometimes arguments) with people who simply must make their dieting opinions known. I've got to go keto because of this or that, carbs are bad, sugar is bad, you can't eat that, you must weight lift, etc. I do CICO. That's it. I have discovered through years of failing and being miserable, that I can't live without bread and pasta, counting calories works where nothing else does because nothing is forbidden as long as it fits in the goals. It's made me more creative with recipes so I can still eat things I love, and more mindful of what's in various things. But people just will not shut up about their own holy grail of dieting. People I love and respect, people who are reasonable about everything else, become like cult members defending their faith whenever weight loss is brought up. It's exhausting and demoralising to have my hard work denigrated and dismissed for not being the "right" way of doing things.
  3. Measurements and/or progress pictures. This is another one I struggle with jealousy over. Seeing all these magnificent face gains or non scale victories regarding clothing sizes. I'm the opposite. The scale can shift a good 20 or 30lbs down and there is literally no difference in how I look or how things fit. And it's so upsetting. People think I'm lying when I tell them how much weight I've lost so far. I see the slightly pitying look in the eyes of my mum and my friends as they nod at me politely, and I know they think I'm fooling myself because I look the same. I'm getting fitter and healthier, so I try and take that as the positive it is, but good gracious do I ever wish I could say I'd dropped a clothing size.
  4. My silly body crapping out on me whenever I start an exercise routine. I walk for my exercise, I walk a lot. So of course once I start a walking regiment I get blisters everywhere, and then lower back pain, so walking is out. I start an indoor bodyweight routine, my knee clicks in the wrong way and now I can't do that. And so on and so on. It honestly feels like every time I get in the groove of something, my body decides to sabotage me, and it's so frustrating. I know a lot of my issues are caused by my weight, and by being so unfit, but how the heck am I supposed to change that when every time I try, I end up in pain? I'm being a bit overly dramatic with that, I do power through and try to keep going, it's just super disheartening when you find an exercise you think you can enjoy and then... wham! pain. Thanks, body, you're such a pal.

I know I've moaned a lot, but I was super enthused about the stuff that helps in the last post, so I needed to vent for a bit. I do power past these things, and they're not enough to stop me from continuing, they just hurt a bit sometimes like lemon juice in a papercut. I thought maybe I'd post them, and see if anyone else suffers the same niggling annoyances in their weight loss journeys, so we can sympathise with each other.

submitted by /u/thelandkraken
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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