Saturday, June 13, 2020

Quarantine blues reframed

I've been kind of bummed about my weight loss journey over quarantine as I have regained back to a weight I feel I have been stuck at my whole life. It is too hard to only eat the calories I need sitting around with nothing to do and I don't excercise for the sake of excercise well. Just not that motivated. It is hard to adapt routines I had built to life at home.

Today I reframed it. Yes I have gained back the 10 pounds I was last working on and the scale has felt like it read the same thing forever, but my after kid weight when I started this was 235. I am 50 pounds less than I started and I have generally kept it off for 4 years now. A downward trend maintained for 4 freaking years is a big deal. I am more than half way to my goal weight. I also learned I can run and not feel like I'm dying. (Thanks to a kid just learning to bike meeting a downward sloping hill.). Looking at the hard data saved in graphs like my fitness pal and libra really helped me focus back on the long term goal not whether I am a pound down this week from last.

I'm telling myself I deserve a break into maintenance. I've taken breaks before (that do upwards creep) and come back stronger. And when life comes back I am gonna knock out that last 35ish with another sustained downward trend.

submitted by /u/Bluegi
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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