Tuesday, June 23, 2020

What my (almost) 3 year weight loss journey taught me.

So I am a 5'6 female. I initially started off weighing 81 kgs, and have currently been hovering between 71-75 kgs over the last 3 years, with 69 kgs being my lowest at one point. My goal weight has always been 62.5 kgs.

Despite being nowhere near that goal, I reflected upon my 3 years and have come to the acceptance that that is OK, because this journey has taught me things and helped me achieve other goals I never imaged I would benefit me in more ways than just acheiving a specific number on the scale would, such as:

  1. The fact that no matter how many times I fall off the wagon, I am 100% sure I will never go back to my starting weight. In over the past 3 years, my highest weight was 77 kgs. I know for a fact I will never reach 81 kgs again because my approach to health has drastically changed since then. Wherein back then I never exercised, ate processed junk like no tomorrow with an average daily calorie count of 2500-3000 a day, and could not care about my body or health, now I feel like if I miss an exercise or excessively indulge, it does not sit right with me. I look at my body now as a temple to take care of, something sacred, and I refuse to overload it with junk, but also at the same time refuse to excessively deprive it too.

  2. The number on the scale is just a number. Looking at my before and after pictures, I felt like the scale was being too nice to me when I 81kgs. At my heaviest, I had a gut that would hang over my belt line. I had a double chin, flabby arms, and lots and lots of cellulite. Now, even around 74-75kgs, I look much smaller: I have a flat stomach on most days, and on some days you can appreciate some abs! I have impressive bicep lines and killer quads and calves that look intimidating when I flex. I have a jawline now. I still have some cellulite, but not too much.

  3. My health has gotten better and with the healthy habits I obtained, will (hopefully) continue. At 81kgs, I was pre-diabetic. I had hypoglycemic crashes every 4 hours. I slept a lot, was ALWAYS exhausted, and would get short of breath going up 2 flights of stairs.My hair, skin, teeth, and nails also reflected my diet and were absolutely rotten. Now I experience hypoglycemic crashes maybe once or twice a month and can go hours fasting with high energy levels. I can run almost 2 miles in 30 minutes and lift weights like a pro. My hair is more lush, my skin is soft and does not break out anymore, my gums no longer bleed, and generally I feel so much more healthy inside and out.

So yes, I still would like to hit my goal weight one day, but I am in no rush. I have made so much progress as is, and I believe we humans are too harsh on ourselves. A bad day/week/month may happen, you will fall off the wagon numerous times, but it is very unlikely you will be able to reverse years of hard work during this short time and end up back in square one. So look forward towards your journey because know wherever you start from, you will only continue to go forward.

submitted by /u/positiveflower
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3hT5h9L

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