Friday, April 30, 2021

Freshman minus 20!

Just finished my freshman yeah of college!

I stayed at home for the first semester and then went to res for the second. I definitely took advantage of the meal plan for the first month and a half but then started to pay attention to how I felt after eating only fried foods on the daily.

After going home for reading week and seeing that I hadn’t gained or lost any weight after being at school for a bit, I remembered why I was so excited to leave and decided to do something about my health and fitness.

When I got back from my break, I started to only eat foods that made me feel good and satisfied.

I almost immediately started to feel better when I fixed my mindset towards food. Especially when I realized that I’m 18 and for the rest of my life I get to eat whatever I want. The store will always be a short walk away and if I don’t actually want a certain food, I’ll have many other chances to eat it.

I also have become obsessed with more plates more dates and Greg doucette. Been watching will tennyson for a bit but Greg really changed my life by telling me the cold hard facts about weight loss and nutrition. (Mostly eating until I’m full and eating low calorie foods is what I got from him, also many recipes)

I’ve always been an athlete so I enjoy working out but now I can really appreciate physique building which is something that interests me now.

I’m only 2 months in and this is the easiest it’s ever been for me.

Thank you all for the encouragement and I hope to be in better shape and stronger before track season training starts next semester!

Still have quite a bit of work left to do but I’m excited for the journey.

submitted by /u/FingerNailz4Cash
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Day 1? Starting your weight loss journey on Saturday, 01 May 2021? Start here!

Today is your Day 1?

Welcome to r/Loseit!

So you aren’t sure of how to start? Don’t worry! “How do I get started?” is our most asked question. r/Loseit has helped our users lose over 1,000,000 recorded pounds and these are the steps that we’ve found most useful for getting started.

Why you’re overweight

Our bodies are amazing (yes, yours too!). In order to survive before supermarkets, we had to be able to store energy to get us through lean times, we store this energy as adipose fat tissue. If you put more energy into your body than it needs, it stores it, for (potential) later use. When you put in less than it needs, it uses the stored energy. The more energy you have stored, the more overweight you are. The trick is to get your body to use the stored energy, which can only be done if you give it less energy than it needs, consistently.

Before You Start

The very first step is calculating your calorie needs. You can do that HERE. This will give you an approximation of your calorie needs for the day. The next step is to figure how quickly you want to lose the fat. One pound of fat is equal to 3500 calories. So to lose 1 pound of fat per week you will need to consume 500 calories less than your TDEE (daily calorie needs from the link above). 750 calories less will result in 1.5 pounds and 1000 calories is an aggressive 2 pounds per week.


Here is where it begins to resemble work. The most efficient way to lose the weight you desire is to track your calorie intake. This has gotten much simpler over the years and today it can be done right from your smartphone or computer. r/loseit recommends an app like MyFitnessPal, Loseit! (unaffiliated), or Cronometer. Create an account and be honest with it about your current stats, activities, and goals. This is your tracker and no one else needs to see it so don’t cheat the numbers. You’ll find large user created databases that make logging and tracking your food and drinks easy with just the tap of the screen or the push of a button. We also highly recommend the use of a digital kitchen scale for accuracy. Knowing how much of what you're eating is more important than what you're eating. Why? This may explain it.

Creating Your Deficit

How do you create a deficit? This is up to you. r/loseit has a few recommendations but ultimately that decision is yours. There is no perfect diet for everyone. There is a perfect diet for you and you can create it. You can eat less of exactly what you eat now. If you like pizza you can have pizza. Have 2 slices instead of 4. You can try lower calorie replacements for calorie dense foods. Some of the communities favorites are cauliflower rice, zucchini noodles, spaghetti squash in place of their more calorie rich cousins. If it appeals to you an entire dietary change like Keto, Paleo, Vegetarian.

The most important thing to remember is that this selection of foods works for you. Sustainability is the key to long term weight management success. If you hate what you’re eating you won’t stick to it.


Is NOT mandatory. You can lose fat and create a deficit through diet alone. There is no requirement of exercise to lose weight.

It has it’s own benefits though. You will burn extra calories. Exercise is shown to be beneficial to mental health and creates an endorphin rush as well. It makes people feel *awesome* and has been linked to higher rates of long term success when physical activity is included in lifestyle changes.

Crawl, Walk, Run

It can seem like one needs to make a 180 degree course correction to find success. That isn’t necessarily true. Many of our users find that creating small initial changes that build a foundation allows them to progress forward in even, sustained, increments.


You will struggle. We have all struggled. This is natural. There is no tip or trick to get through this though. We encourage you to recognize why you are struggling and forgive yourself for whatever reason that may be. If you overindulged at your last meal that is ok. You can resolve to make the next meal better.

Do not let the pursuit of perfect get in the way of progress. We don’t need perfect. We just want better.

Additional resources

Now you’re ready to do this. Here are more details, that may help you refine your plan.

* Lose It Compendium - Frame it out!

* FAQ - Answers to our most Frequently Asked Questions!

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I am struggling with the whole "eat what you want because food is fuel and not the enemy" but knowing that if I take that approach to living and eating the way that I want to - I will gain all the weight back that I have now lost two times over.

TW: eating disorder talk.

For reference - I'm 22F and went from 300lbs to 223lbs in 20 months. I did this through CICO and getting active. This has been my second journey with major weight loss.

Lately, I've been seeing lots of posts and hearing about body positivity, anti-diet culture and food freedom. How no food is bad for you, and that you can eat whatever you want. Basically an F-you to diet culture. (I am not at all saying that diet culture is good or healthy for every person - I'm just saying that this has gotten me thinking.)

As someone who has struggled with their weight, body image and binge eating disorder for essentially my whole life, I found this all to be very interesting just to see things from another perspective. I'm all for not punishing myself for eating certain foods, or exercising as a form of punishment (instead, I do it out of self-love because it makes me feel great!) But here's is what it comes down to for me: I am struggling with grasping the whole "eat what you want because food is fuel and not the enemy" but knowing that if I take that approach to living and eating the way that I want to - I will gain all the weight back that I have now lost two times over.

I know that I want to be healthy in spirit, mind and body and have some form a grasp on food freedom - but I also feel like I am in such a hole at times because I don't understand what a healthy relationship with food looks like, but I do not feel like I can track calories my entire life or let the numbers of calories consume my brain. I know I am not yet at a place where I am done losing weight yet, either.

I don't know if I am looking for advise or just ranting - but thank you for reading this far if you have. I don't think I am the only person in this boat - but man, is it ever a tough boat to be in sometimes.

submitted by /u/saskatchitalians
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

[Directory] Find your quests here!

Welcome adventurer! Whether you're new on this quest or are towards the end of your journey there should be something below for you.


Daily journal.

  • Q&A "I have a question."
  • Day 1 "I am starting my weight loss journey."
  • SV/NSV "I have an accomplishment to share."
  • 24hr Pledge "Today I am going to..."

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If you are new to the sub, click here for our posting guidelines!


submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Restarting my weight loss journey and could use some advice!


I’ve decided to restart my weight loss journey- before COVID I already was unhappy with my weight and then COVID happened and I gained another 20lbs 😞. I was recommended the app Cronometer along with my Apple Watch. Has anyone used this app before and did you have any success? I’m really looking for something that is doable. I have an exercise bike and I’ve started working out again- I just want to find an app that is good for calorie counting that will sync with my watch- so if anyone has any suggestions or apps that worked please let me know!

I am female, 5’5, 29, and weigh 230lbs by the way.

submitted by /u/misswrenbird
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Does anyone here have ADHD and struggle to lose weight?

F/21/5’3” SW: 170lbs CW: 166lbs GW: 125lbs

I’m in the process of getting medications for ADHD, which I’ve most likely had my entire life but has only become a major problem in the past year or so.

I was wondering if anyone else has ADHD and has trouble either with diet (boredom eating, sticking to a calorie count, impulsive eating) or exercise (lack of motivation, boredom with running/walking, hard time with repetitive exercise) and how they handled it or overcame the issues.

I’ve never had to think about my weight, and prior to August of 2019 the highest i had been was 140lbs, and I’m assuming it was due to disordered eating and high activity. Ive gone from restaurant and dog kennel work to veterinary technician work where I am sitting for most of my 10 hour shifts. I have also stopped riding horses and living the active lifestyle I used to.

I’ve been trying to lose weight since quarantine started in March 2020, and have pretty much just gained and lost between 175-164. I just can’t cross the threshold and sustain the weight loss.

Currently I’ve been tracking weight using MFP and have lost around 4lbs in almost 3 weeks. I’m eating between 1200-1600 calories, and doing YouTube exercise videos daily +/- long walks/jogs.

Does anyone have any insight on ADHD and weight?

submitted by /u/claviclefreckle
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Hope my experience is encouraging: old folks (65) weight loss. NSFW because no shirt, otherwise G-rated. But old guy paleness MAY be terrifying!

While this is not interesting to those w/ upper-tier physique and/or ambitions to have one, if you're a regular guy frustrated with excess weight, chin up.

Dec 3 of 2019 I was a metbolic train wreck w/ BMI almost 35, terrible gout, skin tags sprouting up everywhere, etc. At that point I decided it was time to go all out to restructure myself, regaining some muscle mass and losing fat. Coincidentally: as soon as the news from Wuhan began rolling in, I became a ravenous consumer of early (non-peer-reviewed) studies that, one after another, pointed at inflammation, accelerated disease progress from high ACE, high viral load from excess adiposity, and so on. This became a mission. Fortunately I had access to good outdoor paths and a set of VERY dusty Bowflex dumbells in the basement.

I had many challenges, as we do when we age. Spinal and other injury histories prevented the important heavy lifts and as well as anything more than a brisk walk/slow jog, Premature Ventricular Contractions, etc... too much to list. BUT: if you can set aside fantasies about looking like Frank Zane in the 1970's and adjust exercises to protect connective tissue and precious joint health (hello, rotator cuffs!) you can do a lot. Be very conscious of your need to concentrate on BALANCE and FLEXIBILITY as you progress. These are additional challenges of aging and you cannot ignore them.

Also you really, really MUST have sufficient protein intake, especially as an old dude, to keep muscle tissue vibrant as sarcopenia knocks at the door. Finally, if you've a mind to do some fasting periods, don't be afraid of it, but go slowly. Wife and I now do a 40-hr once a week and it has made a world of difference. I still struggle with night eating from time to time, but otherwise all is pretty good.

Pics from a couple of weeks ago here .

As stated elswhere: as you age you can't get your skin to fit anymore in general, but it's not as loose as you might expect w/ almost 80lb down. Just under 19% Body Fat now (DEXA measure); my target of a few more % may not be possible. As you can see turkey neck def kicks in --- what the hell, I'm old, and we do what we can. My wife snapped the left pic when our daughters were fretting about the Old Man being endangered by COVID and general decrepitude. She wouldn't do the ab vac shot because it "looks gross, like the Walking Dead or something".

I have a couple of snaps that are captured right after dropping the dumbbells at the end of a 5 set breakdown, but frankly they're just temporary pumps. This is the real, wrinkly, genuine, Saturday morning me, and I'm OK with it. Believe me it beats the hell out of being breathless from tying your shoes!

submitted by /u/DynamicViolence
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Need help staying motivated

Hi! First time posting here! I just really wanted some advice how we are supposed to stay motivated after reach a goal to not get comfortable and slip back into old habits. I am a binge/comfort eater and it is a battle everyday to listen to hunger cues instead of eat whenever I’m bored or uncomfortable or if I’m just in the food for some bomb 2000 calorie meal. Anyway, I am less than a pound away from achieving a goal of losing 30 pounds, but just last week I gained 6 pounds from a weekend of binging and I lost those pounds by eating very little for the week trying to reach my goal by the end of April. I tend to plateau often with my weight loss, which makes me want to stop trying. I know I’m only supposed to be losing a pound to 2 pounds a week. I’m doing cico with an allotted 1200 calories a day which has been working okay, but I see my best results when I eat way less than that (obviously) and it makes me get used to seeing the rapid weight loss, so I have made some unhealthy habits of weight loss that is more of an all or nothing (effort-wise approach). I got used to the good feeling of losing weight rapidly and in an almost unhealthy way, so I need advice on how to trust the process on slow and steady weight loss. Also I’ve been losing weight since November, so you can understand it definitely was not all at once, but my weight fluctuates soo often that I’m afraid I’ll give up on my weight loss journey all together if I don’t start seeing consistent results.

submitted by /u/bigboob2000
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Struggling to re-lose a small amount

In January 2018 I began my weight loss journey. I was overweight, living by myself for the first time and my eating habits were out of control. I’d put on a lot of weight rapidly and wanted to do something about it. It took me about a year and a half to lose 40lb and get to the lower end of a healthy weight. I was so motivated and making pretty regular progress. I started by tracking calories but after a while I didn’t need to, eating in a deficit became second nature. I didn’t really get bothered by hunger or feel too restricted. It wasn’t always easy but I was pretty good at sticking with it.

Since my lowest weight I’ve put on about 10lbs. Most of that has been in lockdown. I’m nowhere near overweight again, but I liked the way my body looked 10lbs ago and I’d like to re-lose 5-10lbs. I’ve been trying to lose weight for the past sixth months but I’ve pretty much maintained. I lose 1lb and then I gain it back. I’m really struggling to keep in a calorie deficit. I’m working from home and around food all day. I don’t have the willpower to say no to food anymore. I’ll be in a decent deficit for two days, then eat over on the next two. I don’t know why I’m struggling so much this time.

submitted by /u/MeteorOfTheHour
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Found some "Before" Photos from last year, also Onederland!

30 M 6'2" SW: 280 CW: 199 GW: 180

I was feeling down the other day. I still felt chubby, still felt fat. Even after I finally got a "1" in front of the scale. (first time since middle school!) Stretch marks and loose skin'll do that to you.

I vaguely remembered taking a few photos when I began seriously planning my weight loss. I was curious, so I searched and searched. I remembered I had emailed them to myself!

I opened the first photo and was shocked at how much I actually lost. I subconsciously still feel like I look like that guy, but just having both photos side by side made me tear up a bit! Having hard evidence of weight loss is invaluable.

Take before photos people!

Here's an Album of my Before and "After" After's not quite the right word, more like current.

submitted by /u/odinrack
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Losing the weight a second time. A year in weight loss and (mostly) maintenance.

TLDR: I had lost a ton of weight before, gained some again after a couple of trips and kept track of my weight loss. Click links at the end for pics.

Hi everybody!

My first journey started way before I found this subreddit. I had maxed out at 286lbs (129kg) when I had finally decided to do something about it. I slowed down on fast food and sugary snacks while outright giving up soda. I started walking which led to biking and going to the gym for weights which led me to r/bodyweightfitness. Small, incremental changes to diet and exercise helped me lose the vast majority of my weight. Hell, my diet wasn’t/isn’t even that great (I still don’t really eat veggies). It took about four years to reach my lowest weight of 172lbs (78kgs) in late 2017. From then on I had mostly maintained around the mid to high 170's. The entire time in those three years I never thought of myself as being on a diet. It was just a change of life-style. While I cooked almost all my meals, I never gave up having pizza or ice cream or cookies or anything really (other than soda, it’s the one thing I’ve completely given up). This had mostly worked for me until late 2019 and early last year.

I decided to stay in Mexico for about six months and then have a 2 week trip in Japan with friends. At the time I was trying food left and right and had regained a considerable amount of weight, mostly unnoticed as I had stopped weighing myself. When started up again in March of 2020, I had gone back up to 215lbs (97.5kgs). I was back home and able to fully control my diet and got back on the bike. And like riding a bike, where the bike is my mouth and my routine is my biking skill (is this metaphor working for you), it was pretty easy to get back into gear. Following my previous routine helped me lose the weight pretty quickly again. By July I was back to the low 170s (77kgs). From then on, it was maintenance mode.

It got a little harder once my brother moved back with me. We’re both big losers, but he has a better handle on his snacking and we had a thing that every time one of us would go grocery shopping, we would buy whatever new flavor snack (Reese's, Kitkat, Oreos and the such) we would find trying to one up each other. While this did affect my weight, got back up into the low 180’s (80’s kg), I got into the hang of things and I’ve been able to maintain mid to high 170’s since new years. Your routine can be pretty flexible as long as you know where treats fit into your routine.

I decided to keep track of my weight and take pictures through this process. Made a small gif, with front and side view for a year, I did forget to take pictures some weeks though. I don’t really have any major insights. I’m still not happy with my body. The extra skin/fat on the bottom of my tummy and sides seem eternal and ever-lasting and I’ll always be self-conscious about it. Don’t let that stop you though. Get a routine that works for you and modify it as you go, it’ll change depending on your goals. You will slip up and there will be plateaus. Don’t give up, pick yourself up and get on that mouth bike again. If you ever regain weight, trust in your routine. You’ve done it once and you can do it again.

Me at the start

One year before and after

One year progress gif

In case you were wondering, here is the ranking of appearances for the type of boxers.

Skulls : IIIII Dinos : IIIII Shark : IIII Skii Bear: IIII Unicorn : III Rabbits : III Sloth : III Aliens : II Otter : II Arcade : II Penguin : II Jellyfish: II Mushroom : II Dead Ox : II Planets : II Floaties : I Mushroom : I Smores : I Objects : I 
submitted by /u/Natzely
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Tell me your story of success without calorie counting

Alright yinz, been a long while since I last posted. I lost 20 lbs last year through calorie counting and exercise. I reached my goal in the fall, and then started in on my next goal, training for a 50k. I ran that in March and it was great!

Now comes to the part I wanted so hard to avoid. I wanted so badly for last year's weight loss to be the last time, to kick my yearly fluctuation. But here I am 7 weeks after my 50k, up 12 lbs from my low weight last year (so, not that bad, but still erased half my effort). The reason I'm here is because my binge eating habit came back in full force after my race, probably coupled with post-race blues and maybe some real depression.

I'm working with a therapist now (yay) to try and suss out the binge eating, because ultimately that's what sabotages me year over year. One of her first recommendations was to remove MyFitnessPal from my phone, which I agreed was a good call. I don't want to have to track for the rest of my life, though I had hoped to be able to go back and use that skill the next time I needed to drop weight.

And so... now I'm hoping some folks on this subreddit can calm my nerves with stories of successful weight loss without calorie counting. I preached it, it worked for me, but apparently it might not work well for my brain... so tell me what else worked for you, please!

submitted by /u/UsedCellist1
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Is this normal?

M:20 H: 5’9” SW:170 CW:160 GW:155. So a few years ago I decided to lose weight since I was slightly overweight. I was able to lose the weight slowly over the course of a few months. The problem is from the fact that I’m always hungry. I can eat a pound of beef(or any food combo...I’ve tried them all) and a few hours later I’ll be starving. This basically makes me think about food almost 24/7. I tend to get a lot of protein and fat, fiber and a fair amount of carbs, but it hasn’t really been helping. I also do cardio in order to counter the large appetite, which is very helpful. My calories aren’t low at all as I average 3k calories. I’m hitting PRs in the gym and have great energy so I’m very confused. I was thinking that maybe a possible culprit is my antidepressants as I take Lamitcal, Prozac and Risperdal. Atleast one of them is known to increase appetite. Problem is, I was taking these medication before I lost weight and didn’t have any appetite changes. If I look at my sleep I’m always getting 8+ hours of sleep. I really don’t know what to do, I don’t want to undo the weight loss. Any tips?

submitted by /u/Independent-Wasabi88
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Switching from keto to calorie countinf

Sex: male

Age: 19

Weight: 92kg

Height: 6.0ft

I have been doing keto since december and went from 108 to 92kg keto has been good during lockdown but now that gyms have opened I started going again and keto has not been to great at the gym I’m not performing well I feel exhausted after and get lightheaded at times and these things did not happen when I went to gym before keto so I was wondering if I stopped keto and started counting calories only would I gain my weight back or would I be ok? I realise that my weight loss will be slowed down but I don’t mind that aslong as I keep losing weight and my performance has improved

submitted by /u/Glittering-Citron-25
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Lost over 80lbs over the last year, and you can too! SW:295 -> CW:215lbs

M24, SW: 295, CW: 215, GW: 180, H: 5’8’’

All my life I’ve been a pretty big kid, from eating all my favorite pastries, deserts and all types of shit, it eventually snowballed into a really unhealthy state of my weight in November 2019. At the start of college I’ve always had a weight around 230-240lbs , still overweight but I was happy where I was. As my engineering college career advanced, so did the stress and the neglect of my dietary habits and before I knew it I was looking into the mirror hating myself at graduation in December 2018

I was 295, had some breathing problems, was entirely sluggish and overall felt tired everyday, just didn’t have energy to do anything productive-day to day.

Then in February 2020 I got into house fire accident where I got partial second degree burns on my right arm and right side of my body. I was completely devastated. Here I am, burnt to a crisp and a big ol fatty, you could’ve thrown me to lion’s den and I’d be the tastiest grilled human ever haha

After the incident, I wanted to have a positive body image about myself, something I’ve never quite afforded myself as a chubby kid all his life. So I went the the gym religiously, followed a Keto-based diet, most if not all carbohydrates i eliminated from my diet, bought a bike during the Pandemic and rode practically 5 miles a day +.

Overall I’m so much more happier as an individual.

-Better Sleep -Better Energy Throughout the Day(No sluggish midday nap needed anymore) -Love Handles are disappearing -Helps with the dating life -Better Immune System( Even with the pandemic, I’ve not gotten sick once during my weight loss journey) -Increased Confidence My favorite -Tons of other benefits!

The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago, the next best time is now. The power of now kept me motivated to workout everyday regardless how I felt/what the weather was/ what’s going on.

It’s my hope that sharing with this community can help inspire others as this subreddit has surely kept me going :)

Before Pics / After Pics

submitted by /u/Epiclysm
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

50lbs down, 60+ more to go. Loose skin is already starting, is there anything I should be doing to minimize it?

24 F, I've lost 50lbs over the course of 8ish months, from 275 to 222 this morning. Haven't been exercising because my joints hurt a lot and I am afraid of injury, so all the weight loss has been through cutting how much I eat. I actually properly looked at my body for the first time last night since I started losing weight and I realize everything has gone saggy. My body looks worse now than it did when I started losing weight. I'm not losing weight for health reasons rather than aesthetic reasons so it's not enough to deter me but it is frustrating, especially since I'm so young. Are there any tricks or tips I should be following to help minimize the loose skin?

submitted by /u/adabbadon
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Reality has set in and I need to make a difference

I've always been a big lad since I was young so I've not really known any difference, but over the lockdown period I've noticed that, that 2xl shirt is feeling a little small so I better get a 3xl. Them 2xl shorts feel a little restricting so I'll just get a 3xl so they are more comfortable.

Those 2xl shirts and shorts use to fit perfectly fine this time last year so I finally thought to my self, it's time to make a difference and take weight lose serious now. I've been doing CICO and intermittent fasting for the past two weeks now but I never dared to weigh my self at the start. These past two weeks I've felt so great, mentally and physically compare to this last year so I finally caved in and bought some scales. I was sick when I stood on them and saw that I was 339 lbs, so I've got no idea what I actually weighed before if I've even lost anything.

I don't want to be set back by this, if anything this has made me more determined to crack on with what I've been doing and now I can actually track weight loss week to week.

I'm going to continue with 1400-1500 calories a day, 16:8 fast and only drinking water/a few sugar free drinks as I've been sticking with it pretty easily so far.

submitted by /u/UTommieTanka
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Preventing loose skin

I [25/M] am about 5'6.5", 193lb currently. Technically that makes me obese, which I suppose is the kick in the teeth I needed to start taking weight loss seriously, both for my health and sex appeal (I'm a shy guy and super insecure about my body, trying to get a body I'm not as insecure about, both by losing weight and gaining muscle). I've been overweight most of my life but typically on the lower end of "overweight", gained a bit of weight during covid - I got up to 180lb around last September, and sometime since then got up into the 190lb range.

Ideally I'd want to lose it all fast, like 2-3lb per week or something. Idk I'm impatient I guess. But I'm really worried about ending up with loose skin. At my age / weight is that something I need to worry about or am I worrying about nothing? Should I be taking this 1lb per week or something to minimize chances of ending up with loose skin?

submitted by /u/throwaway356426
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How to help my girlfriend take her weight loss a bit more seriously, and avoid fights.

Hello, my girlfriend and I have both been on a weight loss journey for the last 6 months or so and I've managed to lose and keep off 50lbs so far. My girlfriend has lost around 7lbs during the same time period, I have reiterated that its not a competition or a race but I feel like I am experienced enough now that I can at least offer some solid advice. But the catch is she seems to not actually want to take this advice. I try to keep it really simple like calories in vs calories out, I go to the gym with her and help track her calories but she becomes defensive when I point things out that she should be doing in order to lose the weight she apparently wants. I'm being relatively blunt here but she will regularly complain that she can't lose weight, and then I tell her exactly what the actual issue is and how to address it, but it always just ends up with her saying I'm condescending or even "mansplaining". Its not like I actively point things out at any given moment, I only mention it when she specifically asks me too. I feel like I'm trying my absolute hardest for her and its starting to drag me down being shot down all the time, do you have any advice for how to address this issue?

TLDR: My girlfriend and I have been trying to lose weight however she won't ever take my advice and the conversation always gets shut down. Any advice form you guys will be greatly appreciated.

submitted by /u/NICKTHEAUSOME
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I don't know where or how to start.

Okay so I'm 17M, about 185 cm and about 132 kg. I want to lose weight so I can feel better about myself and just feel better overall. I have been doing some exercise (playing Ring Fit) because I don't have anything other to do while the world outside is bricks.

Now the biggest contributor to weight loss is the food I eat I understand that much. However I don't know how to go about it. Some veggies and protein I guess but I shouldn't eat processed flour or something? I tried to do some research but my tiny ape brain just doesn't comprehend it very well. Also in theory if I get some ingredients I then don't what to do with them afterwards.

I have tried to lose weight in the past bit never went past a week or so because I lost motivation real quick.

I would appreciate some tips and help on how to get my weight loss journey started and possibly not lose my motivation once I get started since that killed at least 5 tries in the past. Thank you so much.

submitted by /u/bad_guy_69
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How did you successfully lose weight and how long did it take?

So, as the title says, how did you lose weight and how long did it take?

I’ve been on a weight loss journey for the past 2 years and my weight has fluctuated between 12 stone and 15 stone (ew). I was on Slimming World for about 6 months before I got married 2 years ago and lost 1.5 stone. Then, I put it all back on...and then some!!

I started calorie counting in February sticking to 1350 calories a day and I managed to lose 10lbs. After about 6 weeks I upped my calories to 1600 as I was feeling lethargic and constantly hungry on 1300 calories but my weight loss stalled.

Then I tried to lower my portion sizes, cut out Pepsi and takeaways and get more active. I was averaging 7-8k steps a day and completing a cardio step workout for 45 minutes a day, which burnt around 300 calories a session as well as a 1-2 mile dog walk every day. The first week I lost 1lb but now, week 2 and I’ve gained weight again!!

I’m struggling to find the right way to lose weight as I feel restricted when I’m following diets.

What is your advise?

submitted by /u/Worried-Walrus8652
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I lost almost 50 pounds in 3 months!

A little back story, last year after the pandemic hit and we went into lock down i lost my job like most people and decided to focus on finishing university instead of working. Around May 2020 i weighed at 209 pounds and maintained that weight until August.

Because my classes where all online my routine was wake up, attend some classes and then spend the rest of the day home doing virtually nothing (no pun intended). It got to a point where i decided to try smoking weed. After a couple weeks i was hooked, i started a bad routine where i would wake up do the bare minimum during the day then convince myself i've done enough to deserve weed and ordering ubereats.

There were times where i would smoke everyday for two weeks straight then order ubereats and if i was out hanging with friends the only thing i would think about was going back home and doing it. Around the end of September i was weighing 242 pounds which was the biggest i have ever been in my life. The turning point came when i was at our local butcher and saw people i hadn't seen since the lockdown started who commented on my weight gain which made me feel like absolute shit. That same day i decided my life will change, i began training at 5am, 5-6 days a week doing 1 hour and 45 minutes of cardio then weights for 1 hour and 15 minutes.

As i said the first day i started training which was September 25th i weighed 242 pounds and by Christmas day i was down to 198 pounds. Since then i have been complemented on my weight loss journey which has been great. Between January and now i've just been maintaining my weight and i can happily say as of today i weigh 194 pounds and want to lose even more! I've now set another goal to lose another 7 pounds then i will reach my all time goal!

submitted by /u/BabyFarkMcGee-Zaxx
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Postpartum weight loss

I'm 11 weeks PP and the heaviest I've ever been. I'm 5'5 and 250 lbs. I am 30lbs heavier than before pregnancy and I honestly didn't think I would gain so much.

My calves hurt when I walk now which they didn't before. I'm worried it's my arteries. I used to love walking and now I just find it tiring and painful. I also have PCOS and weight loss has always been a struggle for me.

I lost just over a stone before I got pregnant but stalled just before. I can never seem to get past about 16lbs without stalling and plateauing - and then I stop as I have no idea what to do to push past it.

I used to do lots of weight lifting and enjoyed it but now I'm back to worse than before I started lifting and losing weight and the goal seems so far away it makes me cry.

Any ideas for losing weight PP? Lack of sleep and raging hormones adds a whole new dimension to weight loss. Feeling deflated and like I will never be healthy again :(

submitted by /u/JammyTree90
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Feeling lost.

Please ignore this post if you don't feel like being annoyed.

Yesterday I felt like I had a mental breakthrough in other areas of my life (letting go, forgiving, etc) today I am battling the inability to sleep because I realized that I will be 26 this year and as far as I can remember I have never lived a single day where I didn't think about calories, how much food I have to be eating to be gaining weight, etc.

I also began wondering at what point I would have to let go of the idea of having children if I don't get my shit together in the next few years.

I'm curious to know what was your breaking point? What made you truly quit cold turkey and focus on your health for weight loss? I feel like a lot of us ignore some of the pains and twangs that come with being heavier, and even my chest hurting and general body aches havent jarred me in the way I wish it would have. I have also dealt with some unaliving issues for a really long time that I have begun to stray from as a coping mechanism.

So back to the question: What was your breaking point? When was enough enough?

submitted by /u/bigfatblonde
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Thursday, April 29, 2021

Can eating too few calories stunt weight loss?

I started CICO on April 9th, eating around 1200cal/day (this number is based off of my TDEE- I’m not starving myself). I had started sometime last year but fell off the wagon and ended up 30lbs heavier than I started. Anyway, I decided to try again a few weeks ago and upon looking through my entries on MFP I noticed I was logging around 8-900 calories a day for 4 out of the 7 days this past week, which I believe is accurate because I was so busy that I hadn’t even noticed how little I ate and also wasn’t hungry. I also cycle around 10 miles/day on a stationary bike and don’t log exercise so my calorie count was even less. I actually went up a pound and have been stagnant since then and am wondering could that have caused this stop? I know there are ups and downs in weight loss so I’m not concerned about that- I’m just wondering whether eating too little for a few days here and there can trigger your body to hold on to what it has or whether it takes an extended period of malnourishment for that to happen?

submitted by /u/North-Cauliflower193
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I feel like I'm not making any progress, and it's really discouraging

i was one of many who put on weight during covid (around 20lbs), i was already around 10 above the healthy weight for my height and age (i'm 5'2). so nothing extreme in terms of weight loss, but i'm not really seeing much progress.

since the new year, i've been making changes to my lifestyle. i got a job that keeps me on my feet, went back to school in person, a gym membership, and even a personal trainer. so i've been busy and a lot more active than i was for a majority of 2020. i go to the gym 5 days a week, 1 time is with the trainer. i also have an apple watch to keep track of my calories and exercise minutes. i've been more mindful of eating and calories, but not perfect. more recently i've been focusing on getting enough protein.

i really do want to lose weight, i want my old body back and to feel comfortable with myself again. as a teenage girl, gaining weight is so diminishing to my self esteem, and i just want to feel good about myself again.

but i'm not really seeing much change. i know weight loss takes a while, but going from minimal exercise to the gym and weight training 5x a week, i expected more of a change.

my measurements have gone down, but only by 1/2- 1 inch since january. some of my clothes fit a little better, but not as well as they used to. my weight has gone down a few pounds, but it's just discouraging. with the trainer, i found out my body fat percentage has gone down but weight stayed the same, meaning i lost fat and gained muscle.

but still, i'm not seeing much of a change, and i feel like i'm doing something wrong. does anyone have advice for this? is there something i could be doing differently? i'm going to try to get my step count up and walk more, i've heard that just walking a lot can help too.

submitted by /u/Virtual-Pie8795
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

171 —> 210 M16


So I want to start this by saying I really don’t know what I’m doing so bare with me.

I started my weight loss journey when I was 14, I was 190 and used very unhealthy methods and dropped to 170 in the span of a couple months. I gained an eating disorder and I am still dealing with it. This was December 2019 - July 2020. I then shortly after, gained most of the weight back but I was still down a couple pounds.

I was dealing with a lot of family issues and food was a way to feel good for me. At this point, it’s now around July! I’ve moved with my dad and was feeling ambitious. I had goals and I knew what weight I wanted to be. We didn’t have a scale and when I went to my dads girlfriend’s (at the time) house I weighed 183. Not pretty but not bad for my height (5’ 11”). I was still down from my initial starting weight.

My dad stopped talking to her so that meant no more scale. Completely in the dark when it comes to what number would eventually show on that scale. I downloaded a calorie counting app and was trying to eat at a deficit of 1500 calories. I have no idea if it worked or not but I am assuming not.

I would go back with my mom on long school breaks and holidays. I’m fully online so I’m able to do that. At my moms house I wasn’t as monitored when it came to eating. My mom never checked to make sure I ate, and never had time to cook so takeout is usually the option. Everyday I was eating 6 bags of chips drinking 4 glasses of juice and finishing the night with pizza and ice cream.

This pattern happens every time I am there so I would say 2 - 3 months of this behavior. Again no scale so I had no idea. That leads us to yesterday, I finally asked my dad to get a scale because I wanted to “see if my sister gained weight” which, was true, but not the only reason. I wanted to see if I had maintained my weight of 180’s and see where I was starting for the upcoming summer.

Today as I’m walking downstairs for dinner, I see it and get nervous. I ignored it and went to eat my dinner. As I’m doing my dishes I bring it up because I thought my sister had gained weight (for context my entire family is really skinny). She puts in the batteries and gets on. She’s 116 and had maintained her weight flawlessly. Me and her predicted I would be around 170 - 180. I step on a little and see the number fly up to 200. I get off immediately and try to laugh it off. A couple seconds later I got on and saw that my weight was 210.6... I felt like crying. My lifetime biggest weight... My dad who is in the military was 190... wearing his uniform.

I’m sharing this story as a cry for help. My mind is racing with thoughts about how I am not going to eat when I go to my moms and how I’ll lose the weight but I’m scared I’ll just fly back up even higher next time. It’s been 8 months since my first post on this subreddit and I’ve gained 40 pounds.

submitted by /u/tonytheoven
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

fuck everything. i’m not worth the weight loss. (rant)

this is hard man. warning: whiny excuses and bullshit ahead

F/19/5’2”/206.8 lbs. i’ve been trying for 5 years now. 5 years of “ill start tomorrow” then failing tomorrow. i’m bored. i want to eat. even when i’m doing something i want to eat. when i’m distracted i want to eat. it doesn’t matter what i’m doing, i want food. it feels amazing. it’s the most addictive feeling in the world being able to eat whatever, whenever, in ANY amount. nothing tastes as good when i know i can only have a bite of it, in spite of people saying it tastes better when it’s a treat. i don’t want one damn bite my whole life.

when i have the opportunity to binge, when there’s food around, i don’t give a fuck about my weight. i could care less if i’m fat forever in those moments where i have my favorite foods in large quantities in front of me. i lose all sight of my goals, they don’t matter to me, but the guilt afterwords is real. doesn’t matter though, cause the guilt can and always does fade and i’m back to eating several thousand calorie meals again.

I gained 45lbs during this pandemic. I surpassed a weight i always ALWAYS told myself i’d never even be within 15 lbs of ever again. I see the scale and i’m apathetic to it. every time i gain it’s a shock for about 2 seconds then it becomes a new normal and I just keep going. I’m so scared to reach a point where getting to my goal weight is something that will take years rather than months like it could have had i not gained these 45lbs.

I’ve tried everything. I know exactly why to do. Yes, i’ve done it before. people say if you’ve done it once you can do it again but back then i wasn’t even trying, back then it was easy, it was my first time. i’ve approached it the same way and it’s just fucking impossible. i’ve approached it other ways and nothing is working. ease into it, start little, habit changes, proportions, cheat days, fasting, omad, none of it fucking works for me man. i mean, of course it works, but i am not doing it. i won’t do it. i don’t understand why i can’t stick to it. the craving for food (even when i’m not hungry) is beyond my want for a healthy body in those moments.

what’s sucks is sometimes i feel so inspired and motivated. “this time it will be different. why am i acting like this is so hard? i can totally do this. this time is it” i have that feeling like 7 times a month, gotta be several hundred times the past few years and i’ve learned not to trust it because never have i ever stuck to it and actually did something when i got that feeling. 3 lbs lost here 2lbs lost there, and 5lbs gained the next day because fuck food is so good man.

i feel like i’m bound to be overweight forever. i feel like i need to accept that and give up. i feel like i deserve it since i can’t do something as simple as not eating several thousand calories a sitting. i can’t even stay on my calories for one fucking day. slow or not, ease in or not, I fuck everything up for that feeling of freedom and satisfaction. i sabotage myself and lie to get food (aka, tell my friend i have calories left and to get me snacks when i’m 1000 over) the scale is going to keep rising and i’m going to get more and more apathetic to it in favor of food and pass the point of no return. you may think there isn’t one but i feel pretty sure that there is.

i wish i could just stop eating like i’m fucking starving. i wish it didn’t feel so good to be able to do whatever i want. i wish i didn’t hit a new highest weight every single day and stop giving a fuck minutes later. this is so pathetic i think i might deserve to be overweight if i can’t control some dumb ass cravings

funny thing is, i’m eating a fucking pie out of the container with a fork while i write this lmao. can anyone one relate?

submitted by /u/sugarcocks
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Completely off track, binging, gaining weight back, feel like shit for it. don't know what to do. I need help.

hey all.

I've been on my so called 'weight loss journey' for exactly 7 months now. back in sept 2020 I got a gastric balloon. it was due to remain in my stomach for 4 months. 2 months in, I was doing great. I made a lot of effort. I was really motivated. I was off sugar, eating right and walking so so so much. I started at 315lbs...lost about 30lbs in those 2 months. the next 2 months...I made no effort. I stopped eating right, I kept on with the walking and stuff but the food aspect never really cleared up for me. since the ballon exited my body (end of jan 2021)....its just been a series of unfortunate events and lack of effort (at most times).

as soon as I started losing weight, my period went crazy. I had been on a period for 3 months straight. bloating, constant hunger, back pain, moodiness, crying etc was almost an everyday occurrence. went to numerous drs and specialists to be told what I suspected in the beginning: my body was having a crazy reaction to the weight loss. I am now on the mini pill to stop my period until I get to a healthy weight range. but this issues caused my weight to fluctuate like CRAZY.

since jan I have gained back some weight, lost it, gained it, lost it, gained it, lost it...on and on and on like this will a couple weeks ago. I was stuck at 288lbs for the LONGEST time...I finally got down to 280 2 weeks ago. today I checked my weight and I am 284 again.

2 weeks ago ramadan started too. I had such big plans. I wanted to utilise ramadan not only spiritually but also for my weight loss. I thought: I will get back on the wagon and stay there. I got sick a week in (I was also still on this 3-month long period btw). terrible cough/cold (not covid as of yet - doing a test tomorrow). in ramadan you don't have to fast if your on period or sick. so I missed so many fasts. still not fasting. no idea how I will feel tomorrow. I feel so bad for missing it. and I never took a day off work though cos I just got this new job and didn't wanna take any time I ended up sleeping through my alarm from sheer exhaustion and missed my morning meeting. finally took the day off after almost 10 days of coughing through meetings and deadlines. taking tomorrow off too.

today I just went ham....ate so much. I wasn't even hungry. ill be honest. ate junk, sweets, desserts. drove to subway just for 3 cookies (which I ate in the car by the time I got home). 2 doughnuts...a whole 2/3 big ass meals even though I was def not hungry. over 3000 cals today.

and speaking of god. its just really getting to me. the calorie counting. I HATE IT. I HATE HATE HATE that I have to count every morsel of food I consume. I hate it!!!!! I hate logging in these apps and worrying about taking 1 bite of chocolate or an extra bite of rice or some shit. its so exhausting mentally. I feel so tired and sick of doing it. I am getting more and more obsessed day by day. and when I see my calories turn red (cos I went over, which I have been doing every single day this month) I feel upset, like a reject, depressed and sad. and the cycle goes on. I eat, I log, I feel sad. I work out to balance things out. I lose no weight. or adversely - I gain weight.

I feel like I have 0 grip on what is going on. tomorrow I have to wake up and think about all this again. its getting so tiring. I tried to go a day without calories counting...and it was so nice until I couldn't stop thinking about it. and didn't even do that bad on that day (yesterday). I was just in my calorie range and I did a workout. but I feel like calories counting is weighing me down. dieting is weighing me down. wanted SOOOO badly to be slimmer/healthy is WEIGHING ME DOWN!

I look around and I see beautiful, slim, healthy people everywhere and then I see me. I can't even look at myself in the mirror. I hear so often I need to learn to love myself before I can make progress. I have tried. I really have tried, I promise but I can't seem to do it. I can't seem to love myself for how I look today. in this body. I hate it. I hate my flabby tummy, the fat arms, thick thighs, bubble butt and double chin. I hate it all. I want it gone so badly but it seem like as soon as I seem to make progress...I mess it up. as soon as I hit that 280...I started to fuck up. I was dreaming of being in the 270s by now (2 weeks after hitting 280). instead im sitting here on 284 feeling like a true loser.

I don't know what to do. I feel hopeless. 31lbs lost in 7 months WITH the fact I had a gastric ballon is bad. I really do think so. I read about people who lose 80lbs/90lns/100lbs a year on here and I think WOW that's amazing. I really (from my heart) love that for them. can I do it? no way. I wish could.i literally pray every night to god to help me lose weight. I know its on me but I just feel soooooo hopeless.

money wise things have been hard this year. relationship wise too. friendship-wise too! I have been able to kinda sort those things out (slowly, slowly) but this weight thing seems to haunt me evermore. im starting to feel low, useless and depressed. like I was 1 year ago. and im scared. im worried for me.

I don't want to be stuck here. I don't want more and more time to pass with me just wishing I made a change and then crying about how I could have lost X amount in the last X months...

im so tired ya'll. I am so so tired.

submitted by /u/stressedoutpeach1
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Hardcore May anyone?

So I've been noticing I'm starting to creep 100, 200, or 300 over my calorie goals most days. I also find I'm starting to make excuses to skip or shorten workouts. As a result my weight has plateaued the last 2 weeks. I have been calorie counting for about 5 months and am 28 pounds down (53 pounds total lost over 2.5 years of non-consistent effort) which is respectable but 11 of those pounds came of in the first 10 days, so other than the rapid water weight loss at the beginning it has just gotten slower and slower. I'm lucky if I lose a quarter of a pound a week now. I am super proud of the work I'm doing and I am definitely still recompositoning. But frankly I'm getting a bit bored.

I want to challenge myself again. I'm stagnating with the same old deficit, the same old workout routine. Now I want to see how much I can do, how far I can walk, how long I can go without going over my calories. I want to go HARDCORE. It's pretty dramatic sounding for basically sticking to my diet better and exercising 5 days a week, but it helps me feel motivated and like I'm a badass.

The plan for me is:

  • Stick to 1500 calories per day

  • Dont eat back workout calories

  • Get 5 -10 k steps every single day in May

  • Do ring fit for 30 minutes or go to the gym for 30 minutes(when the lockdown ends) 5 times a week.

  • When at work or on a sedentary day at home do the hourly pushup challenge (my partner does a challenge at work where they do 10 quick pushup or 10 squats on the hour when it is slow and I want to do the same). So do 10 pushups or 10 squats every hour I am at work or just lazing around between 9-5 Mon- Friday.

  • Challenge myself to choose the "hardcore mode" when doing stuff, which to me means when I'm finding something too easy, adding a twist to make it harder. Climbing up hill getting easy? Well I guess your doing high knees up that hill now. Planking not straining you like it used to? Add leg lifts princess! Gotta move 10 bricks? Put that wheelbarrow away, your carrying each one over by hand.

Anyone want to join me? Hardcore May buddies? What does your "Hardcore May" look like?

submitted by /u/comprepensive
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Hello!!! First time poster

hello all!!!! Proud to be here, a bit worried. So I drank soda for roughly 15 years, I’m 24, so about the age of 9, I would drink 2 liters a day like they were nothing (my teeth are royally fucked) but besides that point up, up until about 8 months ago, I drank about 10 cans of Pepsi a day, and I went to the doctor, again about 8 months ago, and I was 264 lbs (6’2 M) and decided it was time to make a change, fast forward today... I just weighed in at 177 pounds, I shed 86 pounds in less than a year, no working out, just complete cut out of soda (minutes the occasional 7up can or sprite from McDonald’s (the sprite from McDonald’s has crack in it, I swear) and I’m looking to see if this is normal? I do not eat as much as I used to, I do not eat breakfast (rarely if maybe once a month, rarely each lunch unless it’s a SMALL meal, and I eat a decently sized dinner) I am EXTREMELY thankful for this weight loss, it still feels weird because my blood pressure is surprisingly... low, lol. It used to be 160-180 over 90-100, and now it’s roughly 110/65 at the lowest, sometimes 130/65, the occasional hiccup of 140-141 over 75/80 but and normal resting heart rate is about 65-70, 40-45 while sleeping... occasionally 110-120 if I’m anxiety ridden that day (have been diagnosed with heart problems) basically what I’m asking is, the weight loss that I’ve accumulated, is it normal? Thank you all, LOSE IT!!! - Caleb :)

submitted by /u/98GtStang
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Meal replacements

I've searched the sub dating back to about 6-7 months or so and still have some questions about this. I just wanted to get some opinions on meal replacements vs protein shakes. I read about the protein shakes that you guys mentioned and it was helpful; however, I'm looking for fitness tips surrounding the use of shakes for meal replacements in general. Are they generally recommended? A good idea for weight loss in general? Is the general consensus that a mix of fruits, vegetables, protein power (?) is a good idea? Is there acceptable nutrition in a shake? I do mostly cardio (treadmill, Peloton) and yoga here and there. I'm not really crazy about strength training but this may eventually change, I guess.

Anyway, I'm new to fitness and dieting as a whole and I just wanted to make sure I go about this correctly. Any information is appreciated. Thanks, everyone.

submitted by /u/SongbirdConstruct
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Spring into Smoothie Season with Our Blender Giveaway!

Celebrate spring, sunshine and seasonal produce with a delicious and nutritious smoothie! If you’re craving a creamy, dreamy drink, be sure to head on over to the Nutrisystem Facebook and Instagram pages. We’re giving away a FREE blender to THREE lucky winners who enter our spring giveaway!

Get the details for our spring giveaway below:

When is it?: This giveaway will start on April 29, 2021 at 11:00 AM EST. All online entries must be received by May 4, 2021, at 11:59 PM EST.

How do I enter?:

  1. Follow @Nutrisystem on Facebook and/or Instagram.
  2. Drop a comment on our giveaway post with your favorite smoothie flavor.
  3. Tag two friends who “blend well” with you!

What can I win?: We will select three winners to win a FREE blender!

Click here to follow us on Facebook! >

Click here to follow us on Instagram! >

Check out the giveaway rules here! >

Looking for some delicious smoothie recipes? Check out the link below for some easy, breezy beverage inspiration:

11 Tasty Smoothies You Can Make With Your Nutrisystem Shakes

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The post Spring into Smoothie Season with Our Blender Giveaway! appeared first on The Leaf.

from The Leaf

Why did I get fat? Stress. That's it for me.

I've had a pretty chill pandemic. Like, unemployed but okay at first and then working, but sort of part time (I run my own business), which was chill in its own way. Think lots of afternoons off. It was horrible in a lot of ways, but once I was making enough that I didn't feel unemployed or worried about that, it was... I don't know, kind of chill really. Lots of free time. I took up projects, talked to friends on the phone more, went for long walks and runs.

This week, work has finally really REALLY REALLY picked back up. The high levels of stress kind of picked back up. And, frankly, it has been eye opening.

I've been cruising along on my weight loss journey. Pretty quick to begin with, but then I slowed it down in favor of more long distance running (and fueling those runs), some more eating out than when I was strict (which was no eating out), and some more treats. Nothing crazy, just sustainable lifestyle changes that led to me losing ~4-5 pounds a month through exercise and diet. Which is awesome. I've definitely had times where I wished it were faster, but it's also okay that it's not for me. I'm feeling happy.

At least, until this week when the stress was... a bit overwhelming. I stopped being able to fall asleep as easily despite being tired, started eating whatever for dinner because I didn't have time to shop and cook as much (think eggs on toast kind of thing, nothing too nuts). I was.... barely holding on to my calories, to be honest. Not binging or anything, but not holding on to my goals, that was for sure.

Then yesterday was just a crescendo of stress and suddenly I was eating all day. I wouldn't have called it bingeing either, but I probably ate 2,000 calories yesterday (I don't normally "count" calories per-say, just plan out my meals and snacks, so I wasn't exactly "not logging" but rather going off plan. I don't keep track on days I go off plan drastically, just try to enjoy in moderation and it's worked really well for me; I'm not here to be told I'm doing that part wrong, please xx).

All that snacking just felt like... I don't know, like a lightbulb going off. Oh, right, I thought to myself, STRESS is my thing. I don't binge really or eat junk food or any of the other many possible insidious eating habits that can make one gain weight... I SNACK. A snack MASTER, when I'm stressed. And that, THAT SNACKING, is what is making me fat (or was, or whatever).

When I first started losing weight, I couldn't believe how much I had gained. I did some math and it was something like an extra 62 calories per day over the course of the weight gain and I was... shocked by it. It sort of drove home the idea that I wasn't doing anything big, just slowly and surely chipping away at adding a pound or two a year.

Now that I'm over 40 pounds down (woo!!!) and making plans and changes that will allow me to lose another 10 pounds to my sort of goal weight, 20 pounds to my ultimate goal weight (125 pounds!), and then keep all of it off forever while also living a fulfilling life... it was a good reminder of my particular food demon and how stress and work and life and... everything, I guess, have triggered me to gain all 62 of the pounds that I'm in the process of losing.

Anyways, here's to more meal prep, more stress management, and a better balance in overall. Plus, here's to noticing what's causing the problem and, most of all, here's to getting back on the wagon today after "failing" off of it yesterday. Good luck, losers! I hope you slay your own demons.

submitted by /u/beachgirl_weightloss
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I struggle with portioning - a gripe from a short person

So I really struggle with portioning. I'm 5 foot nothing and I'm also plagued with a pretty slow metabolism (which is a burden bc I love food) and therefore my daily calorific intake should be smaller than the "average". But so much advice, particularly from women who weight train online is along the lines of "you should NEVER eat less than 1500 kcal a day, if you do you're starving yourself". On a normal day I probably eat 1300 kcal, and even with exercise, that tends to maintain my weight. If I eat any more, I put on. I am about 63kg, which is pretty light for most people but overweight for my height so everything is difficult.

Another thing is that so much pre-bought food is portioned for the average weight/height person. So I have to then think harder about how I'm going to portion protein (I'm plant based mainly). Also, exercise burns fewer calories for me, even when I match the intensity, length, etc of others, my Fitbit shows fewer calories burned. I guess cos my muscle fibre lengths are smaller? So I've started working on building more muscle, I figured more fibres more energy burned?

Weight loss when you're short is a nightmare. I see these women that are maybe 4 inches taller than me and weigh the same and their body doesn't look anything like mine.

I feel like the only thing I'm actually good at is "pick up heavy thing put heavy thing down". I suppose because my centre of mass is closer to the ground or something. I'm a shite runner (I do it anyway) my legs are stocky and short.

Any advice?

submitted by /u/aperdra
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I didn't know how. So I just did it.

F(31) H:163cm SW:120.4kg CW:117.8kg GW:90kg

Hello all, about this time last week I wrote a rant. It was about how I had believed the lie that weight loss was impossible, and it was too late for me to lose weight. I was desperate, sad and angry. I thought I'd ost my chance to go on comfortable hikes with my parents, to be pretty and to wear nice things.

I said I didn't want to count calories, I didn't want to go on diets, I had too many mental blocks. I just didn't know where to start. Partially cos I didn't WANT to start, dieting is hard and I LOVE pizza and food in general.

Then on implus I bought a kitchen scale. Just to see, I mean my body is a wonderland for sure but it can't be the only place in the known universe that doesn't follow the laws of thermodynamics. If CICO doesn't work out I'm down maybe €15.00 and I would have avoided take out for a while.

It has not been much of an interference in my life at all. I feel silly trying to weight every piece of food, but the two seconds of being self conscious passes and before I know it I'm chowing down. I remembered that I actually like a lot of vegetables, and I love munching on bitter sweet berries throughout my work day. My husband made his world famous beef burgers with fries for dinner twice this week and I just made sure to volume eat the day leading up to it. And it was fine.

And I can not stress this enough- I never got motivation to do it. No burst of energy, no inspiration, nothing clicked,no self loathing moment where I decided enough was enough. honestly just thought "I'll buy the scales, let's see"

I'm now down 2kg (about 4lb) and I know it's just a start but I've never been so excited to see 117 on the scales.

submitted by /u/MagicGlitterKitty
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Wednesday, April 28, 2021

For people who have lost 50lbs+ how did you trust the process in the earlier stages of weight loss?

Another day doing CICO. I am very determined to drop the weight. My life kind of depends on it. I go to the gym 4-5x a week. I do at least 40 minutes cardio, sets with weights and then call it a day. I eat between 1300-1500 calories per day. I have at least 100lbs to lose. Since March I’ve lost 7lbs, gained 4lbs back but then I wasn’t doing weights. Now I’ve started to be stricter and added in exercise 2 weeks ago.

This is the most I’ve ever done for weight loss. I even got an online fitness coach (not sure how helpful it is but nice to talk to someone about this from time to time that is solely dedicated to me on this journey). Costs a over $100 per month but hey...

Anyway, like most chubster a in the gym, some days I look in the mirror and question whether anything is changing or if it will. Every time I deny myself indulgent food... I just say it’s for the greater good. But I’m not always confident about this.

What do I need to know about this weight loss journey? Do you only see results 2 months in? If the scale isn’t going down does it mean your calories aren’t correct? (No health issues confirmed by doctor).


EDIT: ++ stats SW: 112 KG / 246.8lbs CW: 110.8 KG / 244.8lbs Height: 164cm / 5ft5 Female

submitted by /u/sacredbutterfly
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Day 1? Starting your weight loss journey on Thursday, 29 April 2021? Start here!

Today is your Day 1?

Welcome to r/Loseit!

So you aren’t sure of how to start? Don’t worry! “How do I get started?” is our most asked question. r/Loseit has helped our users lose over 1,000,000 recorded pounds and these are the steps that we’ve found most useful for getting started.

Why you’re overweight

Our bodies are amazing (yes, yours too!). In order to survive before supermarkets, we had to be able to store energy to get us through lean times, we store this energy as adipose fat tissue. If you put more energy into your body than it needs, it stores it, for (potential) later use. When you put in less than it needs, it uses the stored energy. The more energy you have stored, the more overweight you are. The trick is to get your body to use the stored energy, which can only be done if you give it less energy than it needs, consistently.

Before You Start

The very first step is calculating your calorie needs. You can do that HERE. This will give you an approximation of your calorie needs for the day. The next step is to figure how quickly you want to lose the fat. One pound of fat is equal to 3500 calories. So to lose 1 pound of fat per week you will need to consume 500 calories less than your TDEE (daily calorie needs from the link above). 750 calories less will result in 1.5 pounds and 1000 calories is an aggressive 2 pounds per week.


Here is where it begins to resemble work. The most efficient way to lose the weight you desire is to track your calorie intake. This has gotten much simpler over the years and today it can be done right from your smartphone or computer. r/loseit recommends an app like MyFitnessPal, Loseit! (unaffiliated), or Cronometer. Create an account and be honest with it about your current stats, activities, and goals. This is your tracker and no one else needs to see it so don’t cheat the numbers. You’ll find large user created databases that make logging and tracking your food and drinks easy with just the tap of the screen or the push of a button. We also highly recommend the use of a digital kitchen scale for accuracy. Knowing how much of what you're eating is more important than what you're eating. Why? This may explain it.

Creating Your Deficit

How do you create a deficit? This is up to you. r/loseit has a few recommendations but ultimately that decision is yours. There is no perfect diet for everyone. There is a perfect diet for you and you can create it. You can eat less of exactly what you eat now. If you like pizza you can have pizza. Have 2 slices instead of 4. You can try lower calorie replacements for calorie dense foods. Some of the communities favorites are cauliflower rice, zucchini noodles, spaghetti squash in place of their more calorie rich cousins. If it appeals to you an entire dietary change like Keto, Paleo, Vegetarian.

The most important thing to remember is that this selection of foods works for you. Sustainability is the key to long term weight management success. If you hate what you’re eating you won’t stick to it.


Is NOT mandatory. You can lose fat and create a deficit through diet alone. There is no requirement of exercise to lose weight.

It has it’s own benefits though. You will burn extra calories. Exercise is shown to be beneficial to mental health and creates an endorphin rush as well. It makes people feel *awesome* and has been linked to higher rates of long term success when physical activity is included in lifestyle changes.

Crawl, Walk, Run

It can seem like one needs to make a 180 degree course correction to find success. That isn’t necessarily true. Many of our users find that creating small initial changes that build a foundation allows them to progress forward in even, sustained, increments.


You will struggle. We have all struggled. This is natural. There is no tip or trick to get through this though. We encourage you to recognize why you are struggling and forgive yourself for whatever reason that may be. If you overindulged at your last meal that is ok. You can resolve to make the next meal better.

Do not let the pursuit of perfect get in the way of progress. We don’t need perfect. We just want better.

Additional resources

Now you’re ready to do this. Here are more details, that may help you refine your plan.

* Lose It Compendium - Frame it out!

* FAQ - Answers to our most Frequently Asked Questions!

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Do you always have to suffer through heart palpitations to lose weight?

I'm posting as I'm at my wit's end with this and feel so lost. I'm F, short and weight 78 kg, starting 88 kg. Classed as obese, trying to lose weight for health reasons.

When I put my stats into the TDEE online calculators, they all give around 1300-1400 calories as my basal metabolism. I live a very sedentary lifestyle now because of Covid restrictions, used to do cardio 4 times a week. Now I just walk my dogs for an hour a day and WFH, never get my heart rate up so I disregard any calories that could be burned through exercise.

So going off 1400 a day to maintain, I started eating 1100-1200 calories a day. I am very meticulous now about calorie counting, I've looked up calories from things I used to eat and I was easily eating 3500+ a day.

I was fine at this amount for about 2 months, then I started to suffer from alarming heart problems. I would be kept awake at night with palpitations + other physical symptoms. One night it was so bad I was about to phone an ambulance, but my family made me some food and I felt a bit better.

I got in touch with my doctor and they said I should have gone to the emergency room from the symptoms I was describing, so I know I'm not overreacting. The doctor sent me for blood tests, ECG, scans - nothing wrong with me. No deficiencies or anything unusual. My blood pressure is a bit high but it was the same as it was a year prior (hence wanting to lose weight!) and not high enough to cause alarm. I was frustrated, and kept eating 1800-2000ish calories a day as eating less calories was the only lifestyle change I'd made, so I thought it might be the cause of the heart problems, and upped my calories.

I wasn't bothered by the heart palpitations for 2 months. I was back to normal. But I wasn't losing any weight, just maintaining. So I dropped my calories again, down to 1400 this time. Slow and steady, I thought. The heart palpitations came back within a week, and I did lose weight that week finally.

I'm so frustrated! The only way I can lose weight is to keep my calories that low, and yet I get these terrifying heart issues when I do! I don't feel dizzy or light-headed or even hungry when I eat 1200-1400 calories, I feel satisfied. But my heart starts giving me problems.

I don't know what to do, I need and want to lose weight, and I'm capable of doing it but when the palpitations start I don't sleep all night long, and then I can't function properly at work because I haven't slept. My doctor has said everything is fine, nothing is showing up as wrong. Are palpitations just part and parcel of weight loss? I've really been on a weight loss journey in the past so I don't know if this is a normal way for the body to behave.

I don't want to lose weight but end up at a healthy weight with heart problems, that would defeat the purpose. But I need to lower my blood pressure for my long term health, and my doc said the obesity is the lifestyle factor I should focus on because I don't drink or smoke.

submitted by /u/penpineapplepe
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I worked out today for the first time in three years

And it. Sucked.

I hated it. I hated feeling everything move as I jogged. I hated having to pull my workout pants up every five freaking seconds. I hated feeling like I was going to puke after ten minutes of pretty light cardio.

I have PCOS (lower end of the severity spectrum, but making it impossible to lose weight is my biggest symptom) and before my husband and I got married I was working out 3x/week with a personal trainer and seeing a dietician and could not lose any weight- I was 180 and 5’4”. After we get married I was fortunate enough to get pregnant. No more drinking, fruit craving (I don’t love fruit ordinarily), and a bowling ball sitting on half of my stomach (full much faster) and I ended up losing 30 lbs by being pregnant. I kept it off for about a year between nursing and workout out again- I found it so much easier to be motivated to work out when I was lighter. Working out made me stronger and lessened my chronic neck and back pain.

But four years later with life with a child and a pandemic and I’m at 175. I have serious anxiety about how uncomfortable I am in clothes that aren’t loungewear and feel a pretty intense sense of doom when I consider dedicating myself back to the pursuit of weight loss. I want to have more energy so I can play more with my kiddo and do more in our home- I don’t want to be winded by a quick jog down the front yard.

I guess I’m needing some support.

submitted by /u/jaykweling
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from loseit - Lose the Fat