Sunday, April 25, 2021

Down 47 lbs since start of pandemic--this is what I've learned

Weight loss is complicated. People say it's an easy cal in/cal out, but it's much more nuanced than that. I've found that weight loss, and getting healthier overall is as much a mental challenge--likely more so--than a physical one. I'm really thrilled with the progress I've made thus far, and I wanted to share with this group some of the key lessons I've learned with the hopes it may spark something for you:

  1. Ride the wave: This journey, like life, will have ups and downs. One week you're on top of the world because you've lost 3lbs, and then next, even though you've been on it, you're up 0.2 lbs and your world comes crashing down. I've only been successful when I've acknowledged the ups and downs of the journey, and stayed on the wave! One meal, one week, one month, won't break you if you commit to staying on the wave. Eventually you'll get where you're need to be.

  2. Get your mind right: As mentioned, I think weight loss is so so connected to our mental states/patterns, trauma, etc. Make sure you're taking time to work through your mental state to ensure you're setting yourself up for success. Speaking with someone can be expensive, but even talking things out with a friend can do wonders.

  3. Know what motivates you: I have a tracker up on my wall, and I get a check for everytime I work out. I get nothing else from this, but a check, and it's UNREAL how well this works for me. Again, I repeat, I get nothing for this check, but I do my hardest to get this check every-day and feel so good when I'm able to mark this off. For some people it might be photos, or cash prizes, etc. Spend some time thinking about what motivates you and be okay with whatever that happens to be.

  4. That meal probably wasn't as bad as you think: Throughout this process, I've messed up. Duh. I would eat too much, of the wrong type of food, and think, "well, there goes my week." What I found is that when I just started over the next day, or the next meal, THAT's when I saw progress. See above, "ride the wave."

  5. There is no end: This might sound bleak, especially for those who are eating no carbs, sugar, fats, etc. until they hit goal weight. I've lost 130 lbs, gained 140 lbs, and I am now down 47 lbs over the last 10 years, and one thing I've realized is that this journey is never over. The healthy changes you're making now, you have to be willing to do for the rest of your life to maintain the weight loss you've seen. Now when I try new tactics, I ask myself, "can I do this forever?" I would have saved myself a lot of heartache having learned this earlier.

I hope this helps some of you, and I wanted to thank all of those have been so inspirational to me.

submitted by /u/que_sera_sera9
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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