Thursday, July 7, 2022

Is my calorie intake healthy for my weight loss

Hi guys,

I’m 6ft 2, 20 years old. So I was 95kg, down to 90kg, but I’m wondering if my calorie intake is healthy and safe?

Usually, before my diet, I’d say I was eating in around 2200-2500 per day. Now, I am having around 1800 per day to lose weight. Truth is, I do want to lose weight fast cos I’m fed up of having man boobs. But I want to ensure that this intake is safe for me and I won’t plateaux or become Ill.

I have increased my protein intake, and decreased carbs. Kept vegetables the same so I get all the vitamins.

Interested to know your responses. Cheers

submitted by /u/Fredtheb
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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