Thursday, January 5, 2023

Not every diet is made for everybody. So what is working for you?

I've lost over 240 lbs nowadays, do I still have more to go? Yes. And I won't claim to know everything or, heck, anything about the pure diet mindset.

But I've been thinking a lot lately about how much food I eat.

Not just preparing my food or anything, just simply the act of eating. See I used to eat only when I got hungry. But my "hungry" isn't a proper hunger. I get to the point where if I don't eat in the next few minutes and I'm standing around I better eat or I get hangry. So I used to eat only when I got to the point I was ready to eat someone's face when hungry, that's a big problem. I believe so at least, some people have said that "only eat when you're hungry". That's not great advice for me, but it could be for you. Do you feel the hunger in a mild discomfort type of way? Perhaps this is better suited for those types.

"Just eat less" - is typically told by well-meaning people that think they know a lot about losing weight. But I just can't seem to agree with it, for myself at least. I eat way more, healthier, and more filling options. Still some junk food and fast food sometimes but way less often it's not filling and you get so little for more calories than most of my meals nowadays. My biggest obstacle was learning that I need to eat more often and that eating once or twice a day wasn't enough for me. I can't rely on hunger cues, so I need steady meals and snacks throughout the day. Even on occasions, I know I'm going out with family for high-calorie foods, I can't skip meals, it'll be worse when I get to the restaurant.

"Intermittent fasting is great" I'm certain OMAD and intermittent fasting are good for a lot of people, heck not too many people eat in their sleep. But there is also nothing wrong with eating breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks.

"Don't eat sugar/don't have it in your house"- That's a no for me again. I have a big problem with not having food around, my house is plentiful because if it's not I go into "MUST EAT EVERYTHING FOOD IS SCARCE!' mode. My family was really poor growing up and my mother had problems. She'd sometimes go too long without eating or feeding us kids. So when we got the food I'd eat as much as people would let me. My siblings would eat until full but became underweight because of household problems. Nowadays I can have a tub of ice cream in my fridge for a month without touching it, it's there if I want it. And that helps me mentally. Is this going to help everyone? No, and that's a-okay. We're all individuals.

Personally having a plentiful house full of food, eat constantly throughout the day, and enjoying food on special occasions without worrying about it.

Weight loss needs to be viewed on as: "How'd we get here in the first place?" Adjust from there. Perhaps work with a therapist and a doctor.

My question for you guys today: what is working for you? Is there any advice that just doesn't work for you but you believe can work for others?

submitted by /u/VioletBrandi
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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