Wednesday, January 11, 2023

The "woosh" effect is a thing

At least for me it is. I know every body is different, but for me, the whoosh effect is real. Basically, after having been in caloric deficit for a few weeks and the scale not really budging, I overeat one day after maybe two weeks of caloric deficit and boom, several pounds gone the next day. The scientific explanation is that the caloric deficit puts the body under stress, thereby cortisol levels are higher. Cortisol makes it difficult to lose weighr but it also makes the body retain water. Once the body realizes "it's all okay" on the overeat day, cortisol drops and the all the water that the body has been holding as a result of stress goes.

This means that the caloric deficit has worked, but I just wasn't able to see it on the scale for several weeks because my body was too stressed out to let go.

Therefore I usually make sure to incorporate a refuel day where I feel no shame eating 2000kcal or more in a day, knowing that that will help my body and give it a break and it'll lose that excess water and I will be able to see my weight loss on the scale.

This might not be the experience for every body but I just thought I'd share my experience to encourage those of you for whom this mechanism is true as well. If you've been dieting and yoh don't see the scale budge, don't despair. Give your body rest, love and care and if that means yoh need to break diet for a day or two by all means, do so. Dieting is freaking hard so if you need to take a break even just to feel mentally better , that will rest your body as well as your mind. Now, don't overdue it obviously, but do be kind to yourself. You're doing great. :)

submitted by /u/CalGirl1010
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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