Wednesday, September 19, 2018

A kick in the pants!

I’ve been battling for a month or two now with complacency in my weight loss. I reached my last big “milestone” weight (60 kg, what I weighed after my first kid/until the second), and after losing 20 kg of pregnancy bloat and fat, other than some unflattering photos, I usually felt like I looked and felt pretty good, in comparison! I looked okay in the mirror, people were complimenting the difference, and I was clearly smaller and I’m better shape than half a year ago. So I started waffling on whether I even needed or wanted to lose the rest of the weight, letting myself indulge more in poor eating habits and overeating again, putting it off for “later”.

But today out shopping, on a whim I decided to try on a pair of pants in my old size, up until my first pregnancy, and....I couldn’t get them much higher than my knees. Apparently these last 10 kg make a really big difference!? I was shocked. The physical evidence of how much weight I’ve gained was a real wake-up call. I’m someone who never really struggled with my weight growing up and into adulthood, but I now fully understand how easy it is to not fully be aware of gaining weight over time.

I bought the pants, as a reminder and hopefully a reward once I lose the remainder of the weight. It might be difficult and slow going from here on out, but now I’m at least certain that I’m not giving up.

submitted by /u/Tigertigerishungry
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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