Monday, April 1, 2019

Evening sabotage?

F30 5'0" 133lbs

I always make it to about 6pm eating according to my calories and meal plan, but after dinner I end up snacking out of boredom. The worst part is that I'm not even hungry. I hate that I go through the whole day being really good, eating nutritious and satisfying foods at a realistic deficit, but the scale doesn't budge because I cheat almost every night. How can I stop self sabotaging?

For some context, my TDEE is around 1600 and my calorie goal is 1300/day. For exercise, I walk for 30 minutes a day and do about 15 minutes of yoga before bed. I don't feel deprived and am completely satisfied by my meals. So why am I so weak in the evenings? Has anyone overcome the habit of evening snacking during their weight loss journey? How did you do it?

submitted by /u/s00go
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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