Monday, April 1, 2019

I just went on a mad dash to the grocery store before it closed because of a sugar craving ... and bought nothing

So this is a really weird situation for me, and certainly not something I’ve ever really done before, but I said no to sugar! Voluntarily!! I’m posting about it because I’m so proud of myself! I’m kind of in shock lol.

I’ve been having a rough last couple days with the end of school exams and assignments coming up, and whenever I’m stressed, I turn to food for comfort, mainly sugar. Tonight I decided I couldn’t handle it anymore and I needed some sugar, so I rushed out to the grocery store before they closed to get myself a fat rectangle of tuxedo cake. I had already reached my calorie goal for the day, but with all of my stress, I told myself it was ok to go a bit over in order to feel a bit better.

But when I got to the store, they didn’t have any cake left, so I started looking for something else to eat. Nothing else seemed as appetizing as cake to me, and the calorie counts of everything I was picking up were horrifying. I stayed for about 20 minutes in the bakery section picking things up and putting them back down, debating between individual serving snacks and full containers of cookies. At one point I even decided to just drink something sweet to save calories, and picked up an individual size bottle of chocolate milk. But I put that back too.

I just couldn’t justify eating anything I saw there. I kept going back and forth for ages on my decision to buy something. I pictured myself at home eating whatever sweet thing I had chosen. Then I pictured how I would feel after eating said sweet thing, what I would tell myself about eating it, how much of it I would truthfully eat (a lot).

And I just decided ... no. It wasn’t worth it. I would go home and have a nice tall glass of cold water, and that’s exactly what I did.

I can’t believe myself, in all honesty. I only started my weight loss journey about three weeks ago, but my mindset is already so drastically different from what it used to be! Before, I wouldn’t have given the situation a second thought, and I would’ve bought multiple sweet things, then binged on them the minute I got home. And I would’ve told myself that it was alright because I’m stressed. But after discovering this subreddit and finally deciding to take my weight loss seriously, I am so much more mindful of food, it’s incredible.

I’m really happy that I decided to stick up for myself tonight and treat my body with respect and love. It’s really inspiring to me, and it’s honestly all thanks to this community! Perhaps soon I’ll reach that magic point everyone talks about where sweets don’t even taste good anymore, haha!

submitted by /u/shrompscampi
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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