Monday, April 1, 2019

3 Months into my weight loss and here is my (very small) progress

This is my first post to the subreddit but thought as well post my achievements and thoughts somewhere. I've always been a pretty big guy, just naturally been built pretty big. I'm about 6'3 have quite a broad build which hasn't really helped me over my life but no point complaining about it. At New Year I was sick and tired of being what I thought was big and not really being happy with myself. I decided to finally do something which had bothered me my entire life.

I started off at around 106kg or about 235lbs. My entire life I've never really watched what I ate but over the years attempted to remove my bad habits such as lowering the amount of chocolate I ate, not drinking so much fizzy drinks and less snacking. Now these overall didn't have many visible improvements or at least any that I knew about. In terms of my knowledge on weight loss and such I had very little idea. From my very basic research the plan was to limit my calories in and exercise more and that should probably do me some good.

Firstly, I cut out all fizzy drinks completely and I could count on one hand the amount I have drunk this year. I opted for water and more often water diluted by lemon and lime juice which I know isn't so good for the teeth but it can't be as bad as fizzy drinks. Now I found fizzy drinks frankly disgusting, the amount of sugar they leave in my mouth is just terrible. Eating wise would be a big issue for me, I'm the type of person who can easily eat continuously all day and not really stop. I tried to just limit myself for 3 meals a day and use chewing gum as a substitute in between meals. This started off decent but quickly went to shit because my work schedule meant I couldn't actually have consistent meal times so I'd find myself starving at some points of the day. Now I try my best to stick to 3 meals but should work or something happen then I have a snack.

In terms of what I changed diet wise in my meals I altered my breakfast and lunch heavily. Breakfast I swapped chocolate poptarts every morning to instead weetabix, milk and a banana for energy. To start with I starved a lot in the mornings but over time my body has adjusted quite nicely to it. Also instead of semi-skimmed milk I use skimmed milk, I don't know how much of a different this is but I prefer the carton so I'm sticking with it. Lunches I swapped heavily so instead of tortilla wraps, grated cheese, butter, biscuits and basically shit I have swapped to rice cakes, peanut butter, light yogurts and fruit. I love this change most I think because my lunches are less bland and I enjoy the variety that comes with all the different stuff I have. Also I think they are more filling despite being much less than what I used to have. My dinners I was a bit less harsh with, I figured if I just cut out a lot of frozen foods and shit then it would work out fine. I eat a lot more cooked meat and have less portions. I tried to stick to around 1600 calories a day and I think I am hitting that and probably going over some nights.

Now that's enough boring stuff about food, onto my exercise. Now I have a crippling phobia of working out in public. I make that sound like it is serious but really I'm a sweaty bastard and unattractive enough as it is without people seeing that. I was restricted to my room then so I had to try several different things to see which worked. I tried jogging on the spot but that was shit and damaged my legs too much for work. I tried workout DVDs but the only one I could find that was suited for me was a Triple H one and that was more muscle building stuff so that didn't work. My next try was a game for the Switch called Fitness Boxing. I didn't expect much when I tried but holy shit I had never had a workout like it in my life. Every session ends with me dripping with sweat and my muscles feeling worked. I try to do that every day I don't have work. At work I walk around 15,000 steps and while I feel that doesn't do much for me it might somehow. I also do weights at home with the most basic of workouts possible but generally I feel as if I've gotten a lot stronger over 3 months and on top of that I can now do 50 push ups without stopping and am constantly working on my planks.

So finally, what has actually changed? Well as of now I'm around 97kg or 214lbs. I've not really had a target over the past 3 months since I've just wanted to look good. In terms of effects this weight loss has had I've had the best cardio in my entire life, I work an entire shift with ease now. My clothes are all getting too big for me but right now I'm between a medium and large which has created issues but I'm happy with that despite the amount of holes I have to put into my belt. Finally, has my appearance changed? Ehhh, depends who you ask really. I don't think so but everyone I asked does and that has been tough. I'm doing this for myself mainly and hoping it makes me happy and so far I think it has but overall I'm still waiting for the real results to show for me.

Well if you've read all of this then I thank you for not making me feel like I've wasted time writing all of this. I'm going to keep going with this in hopes of it improving me because 3 months isn't really enough time yet. I'll probably make a post in another 3 months to see if much else has changed. Cheers for reading.

submitted by /u/MCFC01
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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