Monday, April 8, 2019

F/22/5'6'' [82lbs lost) Struggled with a plateau, and then maintenance, and am now finally active and at my goal range!

Pictures here!

Hey all, I recently arranged some pictures that show my health journey so far and figured I'd share. I love to encourage and support others that are trying to make progress on their own health, and would be more than happy to provide recommendations, encouragement, advice, and so on to anyone that needs it!

I don't truly know my highest weight, but the highest I ever saw on the scale was about 210lbs. It was at this point that I knew I needed to make a change, and I decided to be more mindful of what I was eating and try to ride my bike more often. This lead to a loss of about 35lbs over the course of a year or so. I still wasn't counting calories or anything like that at this point, but it was a start.

I hit a plateau for a couple years, and began to gain a few pounds after a while, as I began to fall back into bad habits. I kept thinking, "Oh, I'll get the rest of the weight off eventually! One day..." but would never make a change or follow through. Then, one day in June 2017, I found /r/loseit. I started to count my calories, and went all in. I ate at 1,200 a day, and NEVER had a cheat day (I have no idea how I fostered such iron willpower so early on). I lost another 40lbs this way in the span of 6 months!

I hit 135lbs and began to finally process that I had done something worth being proud of. I began to focus on slower weight loss and maintenance, and continued to count. Over the next 6 months, I slowly got down to around 131-132lbs through slight calorie restriction. Then, vacation happened.

My boyfriend and I went to Disney World and the Bahamas, and it was my first major vacation since losing the weight. I went crazy on the food, and ended up gaining around 8 pounds over the course of a month. Thankfully, I went right back into my dieting lifestyle once we got back home, and lost the weight I had gained.

About 5 months ago, I made the decision to start including exercise in my daily routine. I began to go on more walks, and would also frequent the exercise bike. I've since upped that even further, and spend at least 35 minutes on the exercise bike, cycling at what I'm pretty sure is a high intensity. I am always drenched in sweat by the end of the session, and try to aim for about 17-18mph at intensity level 8-9. I also track my macronutrients now, and while beforehand I ate very high carb, I now focus on eating lower carbs and higher fat/protein content. I also eat at maintenance (~1,650 calories) on week days and go over by about 200 on weekends (which I'm okay with because of the exercise). I feel AMAZING and healthier than I ever have before. I want to start doing body weight exercises more as well, and also challenge myself by jogging more often.

I still struggle with disordered thinking a lot of the time when it comes to food, and am slowly working on changing my relationship with it. As I sneak up on my ultimate goal (125lbs), I've allowed myself more cheat days here and there (although I do struggle with the occasional binge in these situations, and am working on that too). It's a constant work in progress, but I'm excited to see where I go from here. There is still a lot of improvement that I can make in regards to my health, but I'm very passionate about it! If anyone has any questions, hit me up! I love to be of help.

submitted by /u/mymidnightmelody
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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