Sunday, April 14, 2019

How should I deal with my boyfriend's help on fitness, weight loss and nutrition advices for me?

I'm trying to lose weight (fat) and I've been on the most successful (i.e longest) diet that I've ever had in my life since last year as I've started to read up on how weight/fat loss really works instead of blindly doing it. And my boyfriend's goal is to bulk/gain muscle but he does knows a substantial amount on how weight loss works as well and he's been giving me support and advice which I am thankful for. Since this year started, I hadn't really been making progresses from my constant relapses of going back into dieting and falling out of it with depression, lack of time and finance but a week ago, my boyfriend started to be really strict and repeatedly saying things like I shouldn't eat 'unhealthy' food at all when I've just started to escape from the mentality of being an extreme of eating 100% clean and healthy food and then binge eating unhealthy food because I had been too restrictive. I had just started to try to make myself comfortable with flexible eating, eating what I want that is not considered healthy but still in moderation (because come on, every (or most) people needs a cookie now and then). He also said that it's time that I stopped snacking, stop eating unhealthy food for the rest of my life since I've been doing it for the 20 past years now. And he wants me to make the change overnight like a thanos snap. When he kept saying those things, it made me feel really stressed and restricted and instead of controlling, I overate and I just couldn't stop now. I had told him before that I know myself pretty well and it takes time for me to make such big changes. I just had a discussion with him on whether he is really cool with me that I can practice flexible eating and he finally succumbed and said no he is not. And that I am not cool with because unlike him, he said he can stop snacking for life but I can't. And he don't understand that everyone is different and everyone has different ways of methods that works for them.

He also doesn't seem to really focus on calorie deficit being the only one true golden rule to weight loss. He does understands the concept and do admit it works but he seemed to suggest to me to eat healthy food is all there is to it. But no, I do understand eating healthy is a lifestyle not a temporary plan but honestly I can't force myself to eliminate food that he deems "unhealthy" for /life/, I find that very ridiculous and impossible. Can you guys please advice on what I should and approach him so that he can understand my view better and not get upset? And sorry for my messy writing.

submitted by /u/PM_Me_Your_F00t
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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