Sunday, April 7, 2019

How to pick the next goal weight?

This is my first original post so I hope I'm doing this right..

Stats: 23F 5'6" SW: 192 CW: 155.4 GW: ....???

So I've been tracking all my food since August last year and have been losing steadily, that's not really the problem. I just don't know what my goal weight should be? In all honesty I don't care about being a certain number, I just want to get lean and show off my rad muscles. But it's sooo much easier to keep on track if I have a goal to work towards.

I started off high school at my adult height and 135, and got up to 150 by graduation. I think this was a combination of that being when I started weightlifting, and when second-wave puberty hit me and my curves ballooned.

In college after two years I hit 186, when I stopped telling myself it was "all muscle" and then maintained for a year. Beginning of senior year I put on the last 6 pounds right when we started the season with weightlifting which included arms - something I had never really worked out before. I stayed at maintaining until last summer when I finally gave in and started tracking.

So here's the thing, I don't know what my lean weight is going to be, even approximately. I don't have access to any fancy body fat scans, and when I used calipers one time it said my lean weight was 172 so that was clearly wrong. I do have pretty big muscles, especially my legs/butt (from ice hockey). But am I really going to get to 135 again before I'm lean? How much muscle weight do I actually have, or was I actually as fat as I secretly felt at the beginning of high school?

I'm not really expecting people to be able to answer these questions. I'm more just looking to hear what others have done in terms of picking goals and dealing with not knowing. It's a mental thing, but my mental state very strongly affects my weight loss, so I'd like to feel as positive as possible!

submitted by /u/aqua-sprite
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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