Monday, April 22, 2019

I don't understand my lack of weight loss/gain for the past week or so.

Hi all, I'm hoping someone can shed some light on my struggles recently. I am 6'3 and currently weigh 295 after losing around 60 pounds in the past few months. I feel like I have figured out my formula for losing weight, (just CICO and mix in a little exercise) and it has worked well up until recently. For 6 days straight, however, my weight did not change. It was within .1 either up or down every day, and I can't figure out why. I have eaten very well and have mixed in more exercise than usual to push me over the hump, but had no success. My weight stayed steady.

As it usually goes, though, not losing weight caused me to be discouraged in my progress and I binged Friday night. It was maybe my worst binge of senseless eating after midnight that I've had since the beginning of the year, and I woke up the next morning prepared to get on the scale and pay for my actions. Wrong. I weighed myself and had lost half a pound, my largest budge in a week. I ate well Saturday and weighed myself Saturday morning. No weight change from the morning before. Sunday was Easter, so it involved a big family dinner, which I overindulged and had a huge plate of food, including a plate full of 3 different kinds of desserts. This morning, I was prepared to see that weight gain yet again. Wrong again. I had not changed even .1 on the scale.

What is going on with my weight? I even dug out my old scale to see if it was busted and I've been getting consistent readings from both of them. Is it possible that I've been eating too little food? My wife told me that my metabolism could slow if I do not eat enough and maybe my overeating actually kickstarted my metabolism, but I know nothing about that topic and have always just followed CICO. I don't strictly count my calories, I just know to eat less and make better decisions than I have made in the past when I was gaining weight.

Any ideas? Is it possible I am eating too little? Or should I just be patient and keep doing what I'm doing?

submitted by /u/Brenvol
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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