Monday, April 1, 2019

Losing Motivation

Hey all,

To start off with, this community seems so helpful and supportive which is why I feel safe dumping my insecurities here.

I'm a 27 year old female basically in the morbid obese category. Im 5'1 and 199 lbs. I have a horrible addiction to crappy food and just a bad relationship with food in general. Three weeks ago I made a commitment to losing weight and downloaded a calorie counter app and have tried to be very diligent. My weight loss goal is basically to lose 1 pound a week until I hit 120 lbs. I completely cut out all sugary foods and have been drinking nothing but water and I have been careful in weighing all my calories to make sure I am consistently under my deficit.

So, when I started this plan, I was 197 lbs. After the first week, I weighed myself and nothing had changed. That was a little upsetting but no matter. These things take time and I was sure after the second week, things would get better. I worked even harder at making better food choices and counting all my calories, once again coming in at under my deficit each day.

Today, I stepped on the scale telling myself that even if I was still at 197, I would be okay because at least that meant I was maintaining. Nope. To my surprise, I had actually gained two pounds. At this point, it feels pointless. I've been sitting on the couch just crying the entire morning. It feels like I have been denying myself all the foods that I love and crave for absolutely no reason. My motivation is gone and it feels like I just took ten steps backwards. I'm completely at a loss for what to do. I could put myself on an even more restrictive diet but I know I cant maintain it because subsisting on veggies and grilled chicken just seems impossible to me.

Has anyone else been through this and does it get any easier? Any help would be so appreciated.

submitted by /u/mmeade18
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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