Wednesday, April 10, 2019

The tracking spreadsheet I've created.

This one is for all you sheet heads out there.

About a year ago (maybe 2 at this point i can't remember) I created a Google Sheets tracker for all my data. I've had "Day 1"s maybe 40 times since then. Over this time I've tweaked it here and there.

Allow me to present to you, the CICO Counter 2000

Here it is on day two.

And here is a simulated copy of what it's most likely going to look like by July 1st.

All I do every day is look at my numbers from the day before. I put in my calories eaten, my resting and active calories from my apple watch, and then my steps. And everything else is calculated.

You can see I looked at the past 2 years of my apple watch data to see where my "baseline" or my "maintain" line is based on that data. The way i see it, as long as i'm on the plus side of that line, i should be losing weight.

I've also kept my schedule there as a constant reminder on what I should be doing day to day. I also look at my current BMR which is calculated based on weight, age, and height. The formula for Current BMR is pretty intense.I found the formula here The weight is pulled from that current weight (4/8/2019) minus the "total weight lost to date" cell.. Which makes my BMR more accurate.

I try to keep my calorie intake below this number. But in the end the main number i am paying attention to is the daily 1000 calorie deficit. As you can see from the simulated image I have those under conditional formating. 100 and above is green. 80 to 100 is yellow and under 80% for the day is red.

Another way this tracker has helped me in the past (even though i give up because willpower) is that I can visuallize what I need to do to get back on track. I can quickly say "Ok. I need to burn 1300 calories a day for the next 14 days on average to get back on track" for example.

I'm also curious to see how CICO stacks up against actual weight loss as far as pounds go. When I did this previously, i got as far as doing it for 2 months before I "relapsed". And during that time I did find that the hypothetical weight loss was within 1 pound or so of the actual weight loss. Note: When doing the simulated spreadsheet to show what it might look like by July 1st I just put in random data. So that 8 pounds hypothetical loss is irrelevant

I'm always tweaking the spreadsheet. mainly small design changes. For instance, looking over these images, under Steps see there is a cell for Current Percentage of Step Goal. There should be a cell next to that but I must have flubbed something when i was moving stuff around.

submitted by /u/Freittrain86
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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