Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Lying About My Goals To My Family

Hey all, this is my first time posting in r/loseit, but I've been lurking the sub since about February. Which is right around when I started my weight loss journey.

Just for your information. I'm a 22 year old male, and I'm 6 feet (183cm) tall.

I've gone from 299lbs to 268.8lbs since I started, and my family has been nothing but supportive along the way. However, recently I've been at odds with my mother and sister about my goals. Up until yesterday I've been telling them that my goal weight was 210lbs. Since I know that I'd still have a BMI > 25, I set my own personal goal at 170lbs. I told them this because I knew that they would be on my case for wanting to be under 200lbs. The reason they think this way is because both my uncle and grandpa are over 200, and according to them "Don't look fat".

One thing you should know I always feel extremely guilty when I keep secrets from my family, so I decided to casually mention my goal in passing this morning. It went about as well as I expected. Both my mom and sister came down on me, saying things like: "That's too much, you'll be too skinny", "Why so much? [Sister's boyfriend] is 205 and he's not fat at all!", "You dad was 165lbs when we met and he looked skeletal!". I've tried to bring up BMI as an argument, but my mom seems to think that BMI is wrong since "Oh well [Mom's friend's husband] is real fit and slim, but according to BMI he's obese!".

I don't want to lie to my family about my goals so that they'll leave me alone, but at the same time I don't them to dictate what is good for me. Has anyone else here dealt with something like this?

How can I convince them that being 170lbs won't turn me into a bag of bones?

submitted by /u/An_Evil_Taxi
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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