Saturday, April 6, 2019

When you suddenly have "that moment". So proud!

To lose unhealthy fat I have heard over and over that building muscle while doing it helps the process. So on top of proper healthy diet and some light cardio exercises, I've been doing muscle building resistance training.

I have never in my life been a built or strong guy in anyway. My arms were always low on muscle and high on flab. My weight has gotten to around 113.5 kg and has seriously slowed down which was sort of depressing me at first.

Then just the other day I realized why. Muscle is heavy. It weighs more than fat. And the other day I just had a random itch on my arm and scratched it while I was lifting a heavy bag when I realized, "Holy crap I have actual biceps there now!"

It blew my mind. I started feeling around my shoulders, calves, etc.. Muscles! It's amazing what changes and you just don't notice. I have actual noticeable muscles in places I never have before. And that's why my "weight loss" slowed down. Because I'm gaining the good weight (muscle) while losing the bad (fat).

It's like the realization just slapped me in the face. This only makes me want to keep at it more dedicated than ever!!!

Who else here has had one of those Eureka moments with their fitness journey?

submitted by /u/Qedhup
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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