Thursday, September 19, 2019

A week of so many victores! (NSV/SV)

I posted a short while ago about hitting nearly 30kg in weight loss, and included a transformation photo.

Since then, I've had so many victories I just had to share.

Over the weekend, a friend met me with a bag of size 12 (Australian) clothes to try on- I hadn't bought new clothes for a while and was wearing baggy old ones, so really had no idea what size I was going to be. I figured, best case scenario I fit in a couple and save the rest as 'goal clothes' to get into over Summer. Boy was I surprised when I fit into nearly all of them! Not only that, I am wearing brands I never used to be able to wear before (Supre, Billabong). I was roughly size 18 6 years ago when I started on this journey, and also remember being a size 20/22 in pants perhaps 12-15 years ago at one stage. So that was a huge success for me! I'm starting to really enjoy how I look in clothes, and catch myself looking in mirrors at my shape a lot more.

Yesterday, I had to get belts. Now I remember yeeears ago going to Kmart or Big W, and looking wistfully at belts because they were cute... Not one of them fit. I was too fat for all the 'standard' sized belts, so ever since then, the idea of wearing one was completely gone from my mind. However recently, all my pants have started to become too loose, so I went to Mum's and we went through a drawer of belts she never uses. Came home with 4! Some functional, some trendy, all of them FIT. With tons of room to spare! It still sucks my favourite pairs of jeans are now super baggy around the butt and thighs, but at least they aren't falling off me anymore. Looking forward to a clothes shopping spree at some stage.

But finally... And this is the big one.
I did it. I lost 30kg. From 102kg in 2013, to 71.8 this morning. From a BMI of 35.29 (obese), to 24.84. Yes- for the first time in my adult life, possibly since my early teens- I fit into the HEALTHY weight category! I weighed myself 4 times to be sure (the tiles my scales are on are a bit uneven), even got a 71.5 at one stage, but stuck with the 71.8 that showed up a couple of times. It's been a surreal day!

I'm not finished yet though, next mini goal is to get into the 60s (where I will reward myself with my next tattoo, as I did when I first got below 80kg). And then, depending on how I feel / how much extra squishiness I have to shift, I will reassess but thinking 65kg or so will probably be very healthy for me.

My biggest inspiration has been my horses... I started endurance riding about 4 years ago, and after a while noticed the correlation between rider weight and finishing times. It was undeniable- the heavier you were, the slower you were going. Whilst endurance is about well- endurance- not speed, I realised that to give myself and my horse the best chance of finishing comfortably, I would need to shift more weight. My most consistent progress has been the last couple of years (even with plateaus lasting months), as I finally found what worked for me (can read more in my transformation photo post, first link up the top). I've gone from being a heavyweight rider (91kg and over including saddle), to being a borderline lightweight rider (under 73kg including saddle, mine weighs about 5-6kg I think). Horse tax photo.

Sorry I don't have much useful information or inspiration to add to this post, everything relevant really is in my first linked post from 18 days ago, this really is more just.... Me feeling good and wanting to share. I hope that's okay!

submitted by /u/Segreto86
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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