Saturday, September 7, 2019

Advice needed! Starting my journey with 100lbs to lose!

Hi, so I’m 111kg (244lbs) and 171cm tall, 23F and I’ve just had enough of my appearance.

I used to be 40kg lighter (154lbs) and I was so cruel to myself back then about my weight. I felt huge. I would literally eat like a carrot, a piece of fruit, green tea or a cigarette and sometimes a small portioned meal for dinner and that was it. I would also take weight loss pills too. If I ate anything I felt was too unhealthy I would throw it up. It’s so strange because when I look back at how I used to look, there was nothing wrong with my body at all... but I treated myself like I was obese.

Four years have passed since then and fortunately I am no longer as cruel to myself and my body image. I quit smoking 1.5 years ago also. But unfortunately I’m also now 40kg heavier, and as of today 41kg. I guess I didn’t mind being 110kg but as soon as it hit 111kg I just know it’s going to keep growing and I’m going to keep making excuses for why I’m not improving my health.

My goal would definitely be to get back down to the weight I was four years ago. But honestly even if I lost half of the weight I have gained I’d be happier. I also don’t have a time limit because I want to built healthy habits I will stick to and will last.

I would really appreciate any and all advice on losing weight. I’d love to know what worked for you all and what didn’t work. Especially advice re finding time in a busy schedule as well and forcing yourself to get started!!

I really just want to make a change for myself so I’m healthier and I have tried over the past year several things but find I don’t stick to it. How have you overcome that?

Thank you to anyone who takes the time to respond, I super appreciate it!!

submitted by /u/clambomcdodo
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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