Saturday, September 7, 2019

I’m officially down 32 pounds- on a mission to lower cholesterol!

Im so excited I have to share :)

I’ve posted before about my sisters amazing weight loss. She went from a size 14 to 4 and has still maintained it!

I’m 5’10 and had weighed 179- I’m now 147 by diet alone!! I didn’t think I was big. I thought I had a “thicker figure” but recently found photos of me on a boat last year and realized otherwise.

I had a doctors apt about 5-6 months ago- which changed my life. My doctor told me I had high cholesterol and needed to make serious lifestyle change to get it under control. My father died in his 40s from cholesterol- but made no attempt to change anything or take meds. I’m in my late 20s and was shocked (which I shouldn’t have been because my diet was horrid.) I know there may be no turning around genetic high cholesterol but diet and control it big time. My first thought was I’m not super overweight just have a little extra cushion so how could I have high cholesterol!? My dr shot that down immediately and said cholesterol doesn’t discriminate. She told me basically my diet was shit and needed to be changed. I’m embarrassed I even thought that.

That day my husband and I went through the cabinets and donated all of our processed food. He’s been my rock. I’ve done zero exercise or meal prep/portion control. I just eat clean now. I’m going to add a workout routine here soon! I’m suppose to do my healthy lifestyle of clean eating for a year before retesting. FINGERS CROSSED.


-I feel LOADS better. I have energy and don’t feel bogged down after eating.

-I got a thigh gab that I haven’t seen in 6 years.

-My skin cleared up tremendously

-My husband and I have a way better sex life. Sorry if that’s TMI

-My digestion issues are better.

My diet:

BREAKFAST: Coffee with 2-3 tablespoons of coffee creamer. (Can’t give it up- but I no longer add milk and extra spoonfuls of sugar. My coffee use to be white.)

Old fashioned oats (read this is good for cholesterol issues) with a banana or strawberries on it with cinnamon. I don’t measure it out. Some days I put just a little and load up with fruit and other days I put a ton and don’t even bother with fruit.

  • I use to wake up and immediately drink a coffee loaded down with sugar AND have a Mt dew with my breakfast of a sandwich and chips or leftover pizza. I don’t know why I didn’t think this wasn’t healthy...

LUNCH: Water (but from breakfast to lunch I drink about 32-60oz of water- I drink tons now.) and a HUGE salad. I use lettuce, beans or chix peas, tuna, tomatoes sometimes and avocado and a tiny bit of French dressing. I tried the whole no dressing and old lemon juice- didn’t last long. Sometimes I have an additional side of veggies like green beans or broccoli or carrots.

AFTERNOON SNACK: Banana, grapes, apples, carrots or another cup of coffee (I’m trying to slow down on the coffee- I went from drinking 3-4 sodas a day.)

DINNER: Fresh caught Crappie, Catfish, or blue gill. My in-laws are retired and fish non stop. We use the air fryer with some seasoning on it. If it’s not a fish night it’s chicken in the crockpot with a bit of chicken stock or deer meat (which is super lean)

We normally have 2 sides of veggies and rotate from sweet potatoes, Brussels sprouts, corn on the cob, green beans, roasted kidney beans or black beans, broccoli, cauliflower, carrots and peas. We either stream or roast them. If I do cook them in a skillet I don’t add oil I use garlic and onions to sauté.

PM SNACK: Apples, blueberries, bananas, broccoli, carrots. I don’t limit myself. If my stomach growls I eat fruit or veggies.

I know I don’t use portion control and need to add it eventually but it’s working right now! I’m officially the size I was when I met my husband!!!! I really listen to my body now- if it growls I eat. But I drink water nonstop to make sure it’s not really craving that.

I’m really hoping my test results are better. If they aren’t my doctor and I will discuss a medication plan, but I won’t give up this lifestyle.

Have any of you successfully lowered your cholesterol numbers by diet?

TLDR; Found out I have high cholesterol- cut out junk food, soda and sweets. Lost 32 lbs.

submitted by /u/IndiaLeigh
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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