Wednesday, September 11, 2019

At a standstill and I don’t know how to fix it

Hey everyone, hoping I can get some advice from people that can relate to what I’m saying...

I’ve been on a very long, slow weight loss journey. I’m female, 5’6”, and my highest recorded weight was 275 lbs around 2009 or so. Starting in 2010, I began my weight loss journey because I was tired of being fat, and I was also going to be in a wedding the following year, and I didn’t want to be the fat girl in the wedding pictures. I managed to lose around 50 lbs before the wedding. I am still continuing to lose weight. I had a major setback due to personal reasons a few years ago, but got back on the wagon.

I currently weigh 193, but my problem is that I have been in this range now for the past few months. I cannot for the life of me get out of the 190s. If I do, it’s a temporary thing and I immediately gain the next day. I don’t understand what I am doing wrong. My doctor says I am just a “slow loser” at losing weight. My nutritionist seems to agree. Insulin resistance was brought up at my last physical, but I am not at risk for diabetes as my bloodwork was normal. I’ve tried CICO (what I currently am doing and what helped me lose the previous weight), weight watchers, low carb....I just don’t understand what I’m doing wrong and I’m getting frustrated and upset over lack of progress. I exercise around 3 times a week and I definitely prefer cardio (I like running and swimming) but I have started doing more strength exercises and started a strength program. Some friends suggested it’s muscle weight, but it’s the same 3 lbs coming and going. Has anyone experienced something similar to me, and found a way to break the cycle? Really would appreciate any advice!

submitted by /u/themodernway
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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