Thursday, September 12, 2019

Losing Weight is Healing

Not sure if this is the right place, but I thought this was relevant.

We often do not take our emotional problems into consideration when we decide to stop overeating. Instead of focusing on what got us to this point, we gloss over that and try to shed unwanted pounds/kilos. It is important for us to understand ourselves if we are to be successful with the goal of weight loss. Like many, I did not see in the beginning that overeating is a symptom of a larger problem with myself.

When we begin to put on weight, we are eating but it is more than that. We are stuffing our emotions down with a substance, with a poison that is slowly killing us. But because it tastes good, we forget in the short-term that it is just that. Much like an alcoholic stuffs their pain with drinking or a drug addict numbs the pain with a false sense of security in the short high they receive from the drug or a person restricts their diet in order to feel in control of pain and themselves. An excess of anything can kill us. We were not meant to eat and drink this much, but we learned this was the way to shut up the voice in your head, or drown out the painful emotions of the past/present.

It was easy. Easier than fixing the problem.

In order to truly overcome an addiction, one must become honest with themselves. We must learn who we are and what we are capable of. The more we fail, the more we learn about ourselves. The more we see the flaws and shortcomings of ourselves, the better equipped we become at handling the truth and the hard things that are thrown at us day by day. We can overcome by knowing what makes us tick, what we are good at, what we are great at, and what we are not very good at. This first step to identifying what got us fat in the first place, this is where we should begin. The weight will come off as we heal from the inside out.

submitted by /u/OMADing
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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