Thursday, September 19, 2019

Struggled to lose 60lbs, have another 60 to go, but I found an answer to my problem!

Before & After

Hi! I'm 30, 6'2", and currently around 290lbs. I started at 350, which is where I was in my before photo. I am diagnosed with bipolar disorder, but not the crazy kind where I'm fine one minute then screaming at you the next then stripping naked and throwing money in the air at a graduation party. I'm the kind that get depressed for weeks, sometimes months at a time for no reason at all, other than my body and brain have this disorder. I went on medication for it and gained 100lbs in a year, and struggled with my weight since. That was 8 years ago! I finally decided to make some changes and started hitting the gym, and eating less and caring more about what I ate and trying to keep my calorie intake below 2,000. That was a struggle. I quit my medication years ago because of the weight gain and I didn't like how I felt..or didn't feel, and I learned to identify my symptoms and triggers and reactions and control them and manage them on my own. I don't recommend that method for those of you who rely on medication, it took years of consequences before learning what worked for me. But anyway, I don't produce serotonin all... Ever.. on my own. I became addicted to sugar and food to give me that feeling, as well as sex and anything with a thrill to force that release of serotonin to make me feel at least a little better any way I could. That made me absolutely addicted and I could not give up the sugar and food. I over ate. I ate horribly. I was hungry all the time. It was preventing me from losing weight any farther than I had over the last 6 months.. then I started taking St John's Wort and Tryptophan at night, both herbal OTC supplements found at any grocery store or vitamin shop and holy hell... I feel so different. My appetite is now non existent. My moods are calm, never sad, and my sugar cravings gone entirely. I eat tiny portions when I force myself to eat and I guess my body thinks I'm full because of the serotonin support those supplements provide. It works for me so far, and I hope to lose another 60 in the next 6 months or less. Just thought id share my experience in case anyone is dealing with a sugar addiction and has a serotonin deficit.. they may very well be linked and causing you to over eat or eat junk to get that high like I did!

Tl;dr: Addicted to sugar for serotonin, took serotonin boosting supplements, sugar addiction squashed, weight loss recommenced.

submitted by /u/makemikemove
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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