Thursday, September 19, 2019

SV/NSV - 75lbs down and ran my first half marathon!

32F 5'6" SW: 252lbs CW: 177lbs GW:150lbs

Progress pics

Before pictures are from a holiday in August/September 2016, after pictures are a slightly more flattering bridesmaid photo from August this year, and a slightly less flattering (but awesome!) photo of me finishing my first half marathon at the weekend!

Still a work in progress, but I just got some amazing photos of me crossing the finish line of my first half marathon, which would've been unthinkable 3 years ago, and thought a progress post was in order! Plus, 75lbs down now.

I started losing weight immediately after coming home from the holiday in those before pictures (helped with an initial loss due to giardia - don't drink the water in Georgia the country!) but fluctuated a bunch and never got more than 20-25lbs down. A lot of the weight was put on due to work stress and anxiety (too tired to cook and exercise, too sad to not want to stuff my face) and every time another stressful project came up I would put weight back on, although never got up to my high weight again.

Then last year, after feeling incredibly uncomfortable in a dress at one of my best friend's wedding, something clicked. I started taking a short walk anytime work stressed me out (I always walked a decent amount, so it was more the stress relief than steps that helped), I started getting back into exercise I liked before (it has a huge effect on my mood) and I got a fitbit and started C25K in an attempt to crush friends and family more in challenges.

I completed C25K last November and kept up running, floundering a bit without a goal, but managed to get up to running 10k. Then a team for running a half marathon was forming in my office, and I somehow got talked into it at the pub and here we are. Weight loss slowed down a bit over the summer training (runger is real!!) plus I had a bunch of events I didn't want to be worrying over calories for, including both mine and my brother's wedding, but the scale kept ticking down. As I'm quite active generally I tend to try to stick to an average of 1700 a day, but upped to 2000 for half marathon training.

I managed to injure my knee ahead of the actual half marathon (curse you IT band!) but still managed to run the whole thing, even if some of it was more like limping! Sadly didn't make my time goal, but tbh after injury, I shifted my goal to just not having to stop and walk. Getting physio now though and looking forward to getting back to running in a few weeks!

Still hoping to lose another 25lbs or so, in an ideal world before I head off on sabbatical after Christmas, but I'm in no rush. I feel happy and active again, and pleased with the way I look now, so if it takes more time, it takes more time, I'm more concerned about making it last!

submitted by /u/whyhellotharpie
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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