Sunday, September 8, 2019

Today is my Day 1, for the third time. If you want to get back on the weight loss train, I want it to be your Day 1 too.

I've had a really hard time keeping myself on track to lose weight this past year-and-a-half. I had a really good 3 or 4 month stint in early 2018 where I lost 20 or 30 pounds, but I've since gained it all back due to being inattentive and lazy.

I need to lose weight. I'm not incredibly obese or anything, but it's literally a requirement of my job to be within a certain BMI standard and I'm not there. If I can't get myself within standards, I run the risk of not getting promoted or, worse, losing my job entirely.

What I'm saying is that after almost a straight week of eating like crap, and eating a whole of it, I want to get back on the weight loss train. I'm tired of being one of the most out-of-shape guys in my workplace. I hate breathing hard after going up 3 flights of stairs. I hate being embarrassed when I take my shirt off. I hate the judgement I get from my coworkers for being so fat and, yet, being in a position of leadership at my workplace.

I'd like to ask you guys for help. I know what I need to do; I've done it before. But I would really like some help with accountability. I'm willing to give out my email or converse through reddit; I feel like it would help if I honestly just had someone checking in to make sure I'm eating the right way and living a more healthy lifestyle. I don't know if anyone else feels this way, but I'm also willing to be a daily "texting-buddy" or whatever to make sure someone else stays on track.

Here's hoping that I get it down this time. Thanks.

submitted by /u/speculativejester
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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