Thursday, October 10, 2019

5'6" male 1 year journey with progress pics

Hello /r/loseit. 1 year long lurker, first time posting. You have all helped me with my weight loss journey. Here it is.

Last May or so I went to the doctor and was 200 lbs. I didn't think much of it, but got into cooking at home more, and noticed that my weight dropped to around 190 lbs. My wife was trying to lose weight by restricting calories: eat only 1 oreo cookie, or "if I do enough jogging I'll eat this cookie", counting out various candies and so on.

So in September I decided to try and help her by cooking more since I noticed that I had lost that weight just by cooking. We started eating all of our meals at home. No dietary restrictions, just eating at home. I counted calories for a week but it took to long, and I thought that it wasn't a healthy habit to get into, as my wife would be very anal about getting exact calorie counts of things. It seemed a little obsessive. When I would cook at home, therefore, I would put extra sour cream or sugar or milk or whatever into the dishes I was making so it would be impossible to count calories. She got over it in a few weeks and off we were on our real weight loss journey.

For the last year we've been eating like this, and I've gone from 200 lbs down to a low of 132 a few weeks ago but am now 136. My wife went from something like 160 or 170 now to 115.

A major milestone for me was starting to exercise, which I began in early June of this year. After reading a lot about exercise and how to maximize gains and about cutting and bulking and all of that, I decided to ignore it all and just start moving more. I started doing the "one punch man" workout of 100 push ups, 100 sit ups, and 100 crunches per day. I've never seen any results from exercising in the past, so I figured I would just do this set, every day, no matter how long it took, and see if I saw any improvements. At first it took probably 2 to 2 and a half hours to get through, but within the month I was doing it in under an hour.

After a month or a month and a half I got a pull up bar and started using that. I also got a bike and bike to work and back almost every day (around 40 minutes total of biking). Then I built some parallel bars in our back yard. My exercise has started to be "swing around on shit", and it seems to be working. Whenever I go into the back yard I do some dips or pull ups or whatever strikes my fancy. I don't have any regiment at all. The only restriction I gave myself was "body weight exercises only", for two reasons: I figure body weight exercises won't ever bulk me up too big, and weight sets are expensive anyway.

My exercise milestone was hit a few weeks ago when I did 40 push ups in one set in under a minute. I had been working towards this because I read that a male being able to do 40 push ups in a set was a better indicator of good heart health than running or cardio. My next milestone is to walk around on my hands.

Now I've gotten my wife to start exercising with me. We're playing tennis together. I'm happy to get more aerobic exercise, and now I just need to get my wife into strength, and we'll be fairly well rounded out.

Pics are here

Couple of notes about those: You will notice I also haven't gotten a hair cut for this whole period as well. I've been meaning to. And you will notice that my boxers are the same in each photo. It's not intentional, and also I don't only own one pair of boxers. Every time the mood strikes me to take a progress picture I seem to be wearing them /shrug

Ask any questions you may have. I hope others can do well in their weight loss journeys, and I hope that my sort of lazy way of doing this will help others who feel overwhelmed by all the information out there. What I have done here amounts essentially to eating food cooked at home and doing push ups and swinging around on bars for a total of maybe 10 minutes per day, but usually much shorter than that even. I have no real strategy, just goals

submitted by /u/avalanchecohen4
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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