Thursday, October 10, 2019

A single photo may change everything

About a year ago (at the end of october 2018) I was on vacation with my parents. I just graduated college and we had rented a villa with a jacuzzi. There is a photo of me laying in that jacuzzi where I am absolutely not proud of. The moment I saw that photo I decided that at the end of that vacation I would lose weight. But this time, really go for it. I made a bet with a friend of mine whom could lose the most weight before New Years Eve (but we did it safe, no undereating!) and the winner would get 30 euros from the other person. Sadly I lost but I was down 12 kgs (26 lbs), from 104 kg (229 lbs) to 92 kg (202 lbs) and felt better than ever. Gradually over 2019 the weight kept coming back and I did try once more in April but that was not much of a succes.

Now I decided to go at it again with the same friend, starting at the second day of September this year. My friend didn't really commit but I kept on going, and once again after 6,5 weeks and 7 kgs (15 lbs) lighter I feel so much better about my own body. Still I am not done, and will continue for another 3 weeks at least. If all goes to plan I shouldn't be overweight anymore for the first time in 6+ years in about 3 weeks.

This time I really focused on CICO, where before I just ate less and worked out more. Not drinking alcohol has always been the thing that destroys my progress, and I really miss getting drunk (well actually, this weekend I am going to an Oktoberfest party, and I will drink a lot of beer... But this has to be done for my own sanity). At this moment I don't find it hard per se, but I am more annoyed by not eating everything that is handed to me, or cutting out on whatever my friends are eating or drinking. In the end I know I will not eat/drink what isn't in my diet plan, I just have to get towards the end of the day. Everyday I am satisfied, and the scale keeps going down.

I don't know why I wanted to share this with you guys, but you all have been extremely motivating for me during my weight loss journey. I am not there yet, but I am certain I will get there. Thank you all! It's crazy to think that last year I weighed almost 14 kg more than now.

Current stats;

Male, 187 centimeter, 90.1 kg (198 lbs)

submitted by /u/Holy-Cornholio
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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