Thursday, October 10, 2019

Adventures in explaining CICO to my mother

Warning, a bit long.

My mother recently noticed that I've lost a bit of weight and asked me what I'd been doing. I said CICO. She seemed interested so I showed her MFP and how to calculate a TDEE.

She was baffled. Like she couldn't believe in the concept of successful weight loss that didn't involve cutting out a major 'evil' like all carbs, dairy, sugar or gluten forever. Like I was somehow cheating.

A bit of context: My mother has a lot of self worth tied up in her weight. Over the years this has made her 'health obsessed' and a serial dieter. Most of her diets were so restrictive and complex that no human person could sustain it. She would inevitably break the diet, fall off the wagon and start all over again after gaining the weight back. She has been both thin and very overweight in her life.

So now she is interested in giving CICO a go but is still resistant on some level. I don't fully understand why. I was personally thrilled to discover that if I plan in advance I can have the occasional treat and still be with my limits.

Explaining the mechanics of weighing and tracking food to her has been interesting to say the least. She tends to argue with me. Mainly about the health of the food in question.

Mom: But greenbeans are healthy!

Me: I understand, but they will be very high in calories if you douse them with liberal amounts of oil when cooking and eat them with handfuls of sliced almonds.

Mom: but oilve oil and almonds are healthy!

I feel a bit trapped because I want to be supportive but I also can't force her to believe me...

Anyway vent over..anyone else had a similar experience?

submitted by /u/Shakehandswithhaggis
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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