Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Bad Bulk to Decent Cut


Progress Pics:

Hey Guys! So I'm excited to show my progress to everyone on Loseit. I (22M) started off at my heaviest of 216.8lbs on Feb 16th of this year, and this morning of Oct 9th I weighed in at 164.2lbs! So I lost a little bit over 52lbs in about 7.5 months from 02/16/19 - 10/09/2019. I think it is very important to split up this weight loss journey into two parts and I will go into detail below.

02/16 - 06/30

I decided to bulk in October 2018 and was planning to finish in March 2019. I started off strong and lifted regularly and maintained a decent level of protein and calories. I will say in about 6 weeks in I let loose and stuffed my face with everything in sight and lost control of my workout schedule and this led me to the excessive weight and fat gain. A few days after Valentines day, I took pictures and decided enough was enough and decided to lose weight.

Again I started off strong and I started to lift somewhat regularly and eat less. I ate what I thought was high amounts of protein at the time and generally stayed under my tdee for the majority of the days. I was relatively inconsistent with my tdee as I did not track everything and would binge some days. Again after about 6 weeks, I lost my momentum and lifted less. I unknowingly started to eat around maintenance. Around mid May i was 186lbs but I did not look as good as I wanted. I stayed around this weight until July 1st. I started my new job and decided to be consistent for once in my life.

07/01 - 10/09 (Now)

I started off strong and stayed strong this time. I started with lifting during lunch at my job and did a bro split 5 days a week. Two weeks in, I joined a local boxing gym and went 3-4x a week after work. In mid August, I was at the peak of my physical activity. I was doing 5 lifting workouts, 3 boxing workouts, and 3 cardio workouts which were either running or hiit. I was making great progress and loved exercising and getting fit at this point. I was not tracking macros or calories, but I definitely ate close to .9 grams of protein per lb and stayed under my tdee most days due to the amount of exercise I was doing. During this time I did not have a specific goal in mind. It was more or less losing weight until I am satisfied and then bulk the right way.

Two weeks ago I discovered lean gains and intermittent fasting. I learned a great deal about the importance of diet and tdee. I decided to reevaluate my fitness journey and make concrete goals. Although I was losing weight, I realized that I was doing far too much work for it. I did not need to do hours and hours of cardio a week on top of lifting when I could count calories and macros.

I used multiple calculators and found a nice average of my TDEE and stay under it now. I maintain 1g of protein per bodyweight and the rest I split among carbs and fat. I meticulously weigh and track everything through myfitnesspal. I also loosely fast most days and dont eat until 12 or after my workout on lifting days so 1pm. Then I try to stop eating at 9pm. As of now, I lift 4 times a week doing PHUL and am going to incorporate at most 3 sessions of cardio. They will be a mix of 30 mins on the treadmill, 30 mins hiit, and 30 mins heavy bag. This has made me lose 5.7 lbs in two weeks.

Important Lessons

CONSISTENCY IS KEY. You will lose weight, look better, and improve your health by just being consistent. Keep pushing and the results will come.

Have defined goals. It's easier to keep pushing when you know what you are working towards.

Make adjustments when necessary. Small changes add up to large results.

Track your calories and macros. There are experienced lifters that can eyeball their food and cut/bulk accordingly. That is because they know what they are doing and figured out how their body reacts and responds. You are most likely not one of these people. Using and app and scale is instrumental in learning the proper amounts of food to eat and figuring out your diet.

AGAIN CONSISTENCY IS KEY. This is my number one motto now for anything in life. These past 3 months, I feel as if I transformed my body and just myself into a better person by being consistent in working towards my goals.

Going Forward

I am going to cut until 12/02. I am trying to get rid of as much bodyfat as I can before I bulk properly. I will do a clean bulk for about a year and then cut and hopefully get abs. I was recommended to start to my bulk now as I do not have a lot of mass, but I'm okay with just sticking out until then as I am still seeing results. I want to make sure I am comfortable with myself before I start the next part of my fitness journey. At some point, I would like to enter and do spartan races and similar events as I kind of like cardio now.

TLDR: Tried to bulk last winter and was not consistent, so I ended up getting really fat. I decided to cut and again was inconsistent for a few months and made okay progress. Now I am consistent with my cut and I made what I think is good progress.

submitted by /u/Mum1nul
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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