Wednesday, October 9, 2019

DAE have the 'Oh shit, it's really happening' moments?

I think this is my first post in this community but I've been an avid commenter for the past year or so on my weight loss journey. I just wanted to share a little bit of my journey and the steps I've taken in self love and self care, to cultivate a life that I wanted.

In the past few months I've been within 10lbs of my goal weight, but this morning I got down to 133. One hundred and thirty-three pounds. Three pounds away from my UGW and 50+ pounds away from the worst times in my life.

For a while I felt like I wasn't really seeing a lot of the changes in the mirror, but this past week I was having a few drinks and in the mirror in the bathroom, I had a moment where I really realized that it actually did happen, that I really did lose the weight. I really have lost 50 pounds. It seems surreal, or dreamlike. It blew my poor drinky mind, honestly.

Like most of you I had reasons for gaining weight. Mine was undiagnosed PTSD. I was living in a terrible situation, agoraphobic, depressed and suicidal, binge eating my feelings. I couldn't walk a mile. I was high and drunk all the time.
I remember wondering if I was ever going to get my life back. If I could ever crawl out of the dark, lonely cave that was my life. I was too embarrassed to ask for help or acknowledge how ill I was mentally.

It started sooo slowly, three years ago. The first ten pounds came off when I stopped eating McDonalds for every meal. (not exaggerating.)
Last year, around 175, I decided to get really serious about losing weight. I went on a vacation with my boyfriend and his family and felt out of place, despondent and ugly in a bathing suit. Just feeling really bad about myself and unable to enjoy myself because of it.
When we got back in September, I started looking on r/loseit and r/CICO. I started off doing strict 1300/day and doing some cardio at the gym. I was really, really out of shape! Most of the time I felt out of place and nervous in the gym but I kept going. I lost ~20 pounds before New Years.

Around January I switched gyms and decided I was really tired of counting calories. I started jogging on the treadmill and doing some stuff with hand weights. I got really into weights and lost another 15lbs! But I ended up hurting myself in May. I sort of stopped trying to lose weight around this time - I was about 140 and wanted to practice maintaining at that weight.

I really wanted to get down in the 130's by my birthday so in late summer I started counting calories again. I upped my calorie intake to around 1425 and started doing yoga and running. That's brought me to today, standing at 133, looking around and feeling like I'm in a dream. The difference between 140 and 133 shouldn't feel that huge, but to me it does.

Every time I reach a new low weight it makes me reflect on the journey of how I got here. I was in such a dark place for so long. It's not that loosing weight fixed any of that - losing weight has been a symptom of the self love and self care I've been crafting over the past few years as I heal my body and mind. And I could talk for ages about how exercise (especially yoga) has made me feel empowered and present in my body in a way that I thought was lost to me forever.

I never thought I would be able to do this. In fact I was 100% sure that any sense of a life like the one I have cultivated now was lost to me. The first step was to stop staring up at my goal, which seemed so far away, and instead focusing on each single step I could take each day that got me there.
This has basically been a super long post just talking about the past few years for me but I feel such a sense of accomplishment and pride in how I've taken back my life. I feel so much stronger and more powerful emotionally and physically. This sub and so many others ( r/CICO, r/1200isplenty, r/EatCheapAndHealthy, r/yoga and more) have been instrumental in providing a community that I could talk about what I was struggling with and find resources.

I hope someone out there can relate to this! And if you're standing at what feels like square one, remember that all you can control is each choice, one at a time. It may take some time, but the time will pass anyway, and you can stand and look back at the long journey behind you and feel really, really proud of yourself.

submitted by /u/hennem11
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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