Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Starting Over after 4 years out

Hi everyone,

25 year old Male - 6'1 - I first started in 2014 and weighed 220lbs by February 2015 I had dropped 35lbs and I was feeling good about myself. I stopped dieting and here we are 2019 and I've crept back up to 225lbs which is the heaviest I've ever been. I have been hovering around 220lbs now for the last 2 years and enough is enough.

I'm tired of getting drunk and waking up in the mornings feeling terrible all the time, I would drink 5 days a week and 3 of those days was usually a very heavy session. This would then make me want to binge eat when I got home and also the following day due to the hangover.

I stopped drinking/smoking for Stoptober and frankly I have got so much more energy. I know it's only early and I restarted my weight loss journey on the 2nd October but determined to get to 210lbs by December and then 190lbs by February.

After October I just need to drink in moderation/party's, don't think I will ever quit smoking as I do enjoy smoking while drinking but just wanted to share the start of my journey over again with you all. This sub reddit has always been supportive used to browse a lot in 2014/2015 and I will be browsing again.

If you want to add me on MFP my user name is: heavymetal100

Good Luck on your journey on what ever your goals are.

submitted by /u/heavymetal100
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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