Wednesday, October 2, 2019

F 5'2, slightly disabled, mental health issues and 56lbs down!

Hello there friends!

I thought I'd share my progress (sorry, no pics, I tend to obsess over bad pics and end up hating myself even more)

I had 2 consecutive knee surgeries within a few months of each other, a few years back. Because of all the bed rest I ended up gaining a lot of weight. Especially for a short ass like me.

Since then life has been difficult and my weight loss process was slow. I never used to have issues with losing weight, it's easy for me to switch to "health mode", eat better, drink more water, exercise. But this time it didn't really make a difference.

Turns out, I have PCOS! No clue when it decided to be a thing for me, but at least I got the diagnosis. The symptoms were kind of masked by my disability, I have a lot of pain, most of the time so I didn't really think something more was wrong.

Once I was on the right medication I started losing weight again, but not all that much and I kind of reached a plateau. My doctors didn't really care all that much about my condition after giving me my initial prescription. I had to force their hand to adjust my dosage and I'm still trying to get them to send me for blood tests again to try and see if I'm on the right dosage now but whatever!

Point is, I've now lost a total of 56 lbs and I'm 12.5lbs from my initial goal weight!

Besides for finally getting treatment, I pretty much just stick to CICO for now, drink lots of water, working up to regular exercise (mostly to tone and strengthen the muscles around my joints - particularly my ankles and knees)

It's not the case for everyone, but sometimes if you're struggling to lose weight when you're doing everything "right" make sure to look into why that might be, especially if you have other symptoms or conditions that might mask it!

Anyway! Thanks for reading!

submitted by /u/Louisa91
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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