Monday, October 21, 2019

Weighing the same as in my teens, 13 years ago!

Weight loss went very quickly last week (almost 2 kgs), too quickly I must say so I am eating more now. My average rate in the past month is almost 1 kg per week, which is fast enough for me.

But the good thing is that I have a weight of 79.9 kg right now, lighter than I have ever been in my twenties!

It feels great! I look much better, exercising is much easier and just moving around.

I look forward to reaching the finish soon, around 75-77 kg. I aim to lose 1 kg per week, and at this rate I am done before the end of November.

Though my body us used to this caloric deficit, I think it's good to be done. Though I am just enjoying my life right now, I have learnt to not hyperfocus on a goal like this, because when I do I become impatient, obsessed and it's stressful.

I am just enjoying my life and pursuing what is meaningful to me. Weight loss is automatic now, my body is used to having a caloric deficit and I have healthier habits that don't take effort anymore.

When I am done I will take new steps to improve my body and looks. New clothes, gaining muscle, triathlon training, cooking healthy meals, etc. Again, this will just be things I do, I won't give too much attention to it, just enough, so that I do not become obsessed. Because that is exhausting and can only last that long.

I have learnt to cultivate a healthy inner life, as I wrote in a previous post as well. That, and having good relations with people and building a responsible and stable life, is what I value most.

All the best on your journey!

submitted by /u/enlightenedphoenix
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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