For me it has got to be, "Do not eat after 6 pm", and people keep insisting I do it, despite the fact that I have lost a lot of weight eating after 6 pm. A coworker of mine was wondering why I am losing weight despite the fact that I eat after that magical hour and she isn't. But for me, and I suspect for a lot of other people this rule is completely pointless. I finish work at 10:30 pm, and go home at 11:45 pm. My most active hours of the day are actually after 6 pm. There is no way I can have my final meal 8 hours before i fall asleep. There was a dieting community I was part in a year ago, which insisted that you have to stop eating after 6 pm, even if you are doing a night shift. Which simply makes no sense. I was stupid and tried doing it for a few nights last year when I was doing nights, and let me tell you it was torture. i was feeling dizzy af. So this rules if completely pointless. Like sure, give your body maybe an hour or two time to digest before you go to bed, but those arbitrary hours are completely pointless and stupid and your body doesn't care if it's 6 pm or 10 pm or whatever. That coworker of mine keeps eating a lot of cookies and chips but it's before 6 pm, so she thinks it's totally fine.
Second place has to be "Fruits have sugar" and make you fat and it doesn't matter what you eat/drink as long as you exercise. So me and a friend of mine have started getting into shape at around the same time. I count calories and do some light exercise (blogilates has been a blessing), while he goes to the gym and eats whatever. He spends two hours at the gym, and then every day he eats two burgers, 13 chicken nuggets, fries and a a big coke. He drinks a lot of alcohol as well. When I told him what he is doing is completely pointless, he got angry and said "Fruits are bad for you because they have sugar, so they are not much healthier than a burger." I was so confused. i love him to bits, but this is such a weird thing to say. And this is not to say that I haven't indulged ( I prefer this word to binged) into some junk food myself. I have. But I do it in moderation. Also If I spent two hours at the gym, I wouldn't want to tarnish it by eating fast food every day. I don't know why some people believe fruits are bad for you or have sugar while drinking coke. But a lot of other people seem to think fruits are some sugary evil, while a burger and chicken nuggets are not because they have protein.
What are other funny weight loss myths that you have encountered?
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from loseit - Lose the Fat
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