Wednesday, June 10, 2020

6 lbs down in my first month. (M/28/sw: 260, cw: 254)

First off, I'm sorry if this is a long sporadic post. I'm typing it up on my phone during my break. Secondly, thanks for all the support you ladies and gents have given me.

I'm pretty happy I've been able to drop 6 lbs since starting a healthier lifestyle on May 10th. I know 6 lbs may not seem like a lot of weight to lose in a month (for a 5'6" guy at my weight), but at 1.5 l lbs a week I feel that it's more sustainable.

I've been a yo-yo dieter for years. I use to quit "unhealthy" food cold Turkey, but I'd always end up gaining the weight back within a few months. I knew that I needed to change my methodology to be able to achieve a strong and healthy weight loss.

I'm not big into counting calories. I've tried it multiple times, but for me it just doesn't work. I understand that it helps a lot of people, and I wish I was one of them, but I end up feeling guilty for almost everything I eat. If I snack on something that's 100 calories, I beat myself up over it. I think that for me that stems from my anxiety/depression but idk for sure. So instead, I've worked on portion control and have started including healthier foods. I've also realized that a lot of time I eat solely because it's time to eat. I noticed it a lot in the evenings when I wasn't hungry, but told myself that I needed to eat because it was time for dinner. I've actually been able to skip out meals a few times now and try to only eat when I'm actually hungry.

I'm also planning on taking everything one month at a time. 1st month was attempting to eat a little healthier. For the next month I want to incorporate more physical activity. I try to average 10,000 steps a day, but I'd like to get into running and a home workout routine. It also helps that I have an accountability buddy to keep me in check. Its actually been a lot easier to keep my mind on my goals since we check in with each other every week.

Thanks for reading this post, and I apologize if its long. But I wanted to say thanks to everyone on here. For a guy that's always felt like a bit of a loner, its comforting having such a great group of encouraging anonymous people who are going through similar journeys.

submitted by /u/Echos_from_the_Void
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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