Sunday, June 14, 2020

Finally feeling confident in my own skin for the first time in 10 years (photo linked in post)

Me 3 years ago vs. me yesterday

Stats: F26 SW: 170+ GW: 130 CW: 133

I’ve obsessed about my weight for over 10 years. I hovered in the 160s and 170s throughout most of high school, but I was able to bring that down to 125 my junior year by eating very little (and only “safe” foods) and working out for hours every day. It was obviously unhealthy and unsustainable, and as soon as I stopped my crazed gym routine and began incorporating normal-sized portions again, I blew up.

Since then, I’ve fluctuated more times than I can count. But last April, I decided to do it the right way: slowly and intentionally. I started tracking my calories (CICO), learned to cook more intricate meals at home, and then began intermittent fasting (16:8). I was surprised at how effortless it was: I figured out what times worked best for my body to eat, allowed myself to take a couple days off a week to account for being out with friends or wanting more indulgent meals/snacks, and started being way less harsh and trusting the process.

I’m now at the lowest weight I’ve been since 2016 (133 lbs.) and feel great. I enjoy outdoor activities so much more now and am confident when I go out—all without starving myself or forcing myself to work out every day. Full disclosure: I do spend a lot of time outside climbing, skiing, hiking, biking, etc., but I also have a very sedentary job that requires being at a desk 8 hours a day. I recently found the photo on the left from a few years ago and was surprised at how much my face had slimmed out.

As someone here recently said, weight loss isn’t linear. I know there will probably be more ups and downs moving forward, but I feel like I’ve established a routine and strategy that work for me and don’t put undo stress on my body. Super happy to have found this community and been inspired by so many of you! 🤗

submitted by /u/sarahlynne16
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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