Saturday, June 20, 2020

In need of some encouragement.

So I don't really have anyone to share this with so I thought I'd post here. So I've just recently started my weight loss journey (from June 1st 2020) using CICO and IF and have completely given up on carbs, sugars, fried foods etc and while I have lost 7 lbs that way I've encountered a problem that I didn't think was a problem before. The problem known as my "family" .I always knew that my family and wouldn't see eye to eye about my recent change in diet so I kept it a secret from them cause I didn't want to made fun of. But because of my drastic change in eating habits they quickly noticed that something is different with her and confronted me about it and I told them and too my surprise they seemed to support me and I thought I hit the jackpot of the life! But then today something happened which has me reconsidering things , you see I come from an Asian family where using lots of oil to cook food is like a staple diet and today I saw my dad (yea once a year when he wishes he cooks) cook chicken curry and he put like (I'm not exaggerating even the slightest bit) a half a bottle of oil in there to make the curry and while I myself was excited to eat chicken my family aside I was gonna eat it's boiled /grilled version of it. And because of the amount of oil put in I regretfully declined cause I thought that if I once again get a taste of the "unhealthy good life" I'll not be able go back and that's when I was told off and scolded . And they had comments like this towards me "oil gives flavour eating a little bit won't make you anymore fat then you already are", and stuff like "what was the point of cooking this if you won't eat because your head is filled with wrong notions about your weight", "obsessing about your weight when you are not even that fat (fyi I'm 180 lbs)" and then my mother joined and said "that I told her eating one piece won't make a difference to her" .. and while I was forced to listen to such comments I wondered to myself is it really ok to eat one piece? While the entire curry was just floating in oil and ive been contemplating that maybe I was the one in the wrong and that maybe to make them happy I should have eaten it. And I'm torn about this so I need some advice.

submitted by /u/kyralinn
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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