Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Lost just over 60pounds since 22d December of last year and this is what I learned.

Ever since I moved out of my parent's house at 16 years old I've steadily gained weight every single year. I was pretty spoiled and never had to cook food for myself and I wasn't really interested in learning either. Instead of food I usually just ate a bag of chips or something similar for dinner. 2014 I weight about 160pounds and on the 22d of December last year I peaked and weighted 247pounds. I was devastated and decided that it's time for an actual change. I've "tried" many times to lose weight but always ended up "forgetting" that I needed to lose weight.

I thought it was unfair that people around me could eat much more than me and not gain any weight because I only ate 1-2 times a day. How could I possibly gain any weight? Well, it seems like if you eat an insane amount of food even once a day you'll actually still eat more calories then you burn...

Trough CICO and some lifestyle changes I turned my life around for the better and I'm really happy with the progress that I made so far and I'm really looking forward to keep on going and keep pushing to increase my health even more.

  • It all comes down to calories in/calories out. Trough calorie counting I understood that the few meals that I eat were too extreme. I'm not kidding when I say I could easily eat about 3-3500 calories during one meal which breaks the bubble I was living in that I didn't eat much food and still gained weight.
  • CICO doesn't have to be hard. I use Lifesum and track every single thing before it's in my body and to track my calories burned I use a Fitbit which works really well.
  • You can still eat treats, you just gotta limit yourself. I went from eating 2 bags of 200g with dip, chocolate, a few candy bars, and of course some soda or beer every weekend while snacking pretty much every day throughout the week. Nowadays I usually just have 1 bag of chips that last over the whole weekend since more doesn't mean better. In fact, I would say that you start to appreciate the treats more when you don't have much of it.
  • It's actually fun to cook your own food which is something I never realized. I've always been lazy and on my worst, I would takeout food basically every day and obviously I wouldn't eat anything remotely healthy. Always hamburgers, pizza, you get it...
  • Exercise doesn't have to be "exercise". At the beginning of my weight loss journey, I took a walk every day for exercise but nowadays I take a walk to enjoy the weather, enjoy nature or just to get some fresh air, not to exercise.
  • TAKE BEFORE PICTURES!!! It will help you motivate yourself during the journey when you actually can see some progress. I felt so bad about my body that I absolutely didn't wanna have a picture of myself without a shirt on my phone. I didn't take my first picture until loosing until I lost almost 18 pounds which I'm pretty mad about since I would love to compare myself from now and then.

Progress pics (only my face) since I didn't take many pictures of my body. Also sorry if I miswrote some sentences or similar since English isn't my native language.

submitted by /u/RajjzPr0
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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