Wednesday, June 17, 2020

"Teasing" from an obese family member about health journey

I have been on a health/fitness/weight loss journey since April, due to the fact that covid-19 had worse outcomes for people who are in poor health. I have maintained a disciplined regimen of daily workouts, healthy eating and calorie deficit. I've lost, to date, 18 pounds, which took me from an overweight bmi, to the top end of the healthy weight range.

I live with my sister, who is on the small side of an obese bmi. When I initially had my epiphany about the importance of health and fitness, I tried to encourage her along with me. She is an intelligent lady. An attorney. I assumed she would see the evidence and make the change too. That has pretty much failed. She makes excuses to not work out, continues buying ice cream regularly and eating junk food. I decided to give up on changing her mind and continue my path.

However, I have noticed that she makes snarky comments often about my journey and does small things to try to undermine it. She tries to suggest that we both go get some fast food. Or that I go to the local fast food place and get her some food. She has bought ice cream for me even though I have stated that I no longer eat ice cream. She questions me about the point of life without the pleasure of "good" [unhealthy] food. She makes comments about how thin I'm getting and represents my efforts as me trying to get as thin as possible primarily. Whenever she sees me preparing healthy meals for myself, she makes snarky comments about my salads. After a certain point I no longer engaged her or responded to any of her "teasing". But she persisted. She offers unsolicited nutrition advice like, for example, I was preparing my lunch for work the other day, trying to maximise the amount of veggies and protein in my lunch box, with a tiny portion of rice, she watched me and commented, "A cup of rice is a serving size." I just said, "thanks" and continued what I was doing.

The lack of engagement on my part, and the persistence on her part prompted me to confront her today. I asked her why she does that even though I dont engage it, and she says she is just teasing and it amuses her. I said i dont find it funny. She said it doesn't matter. I have suggested that her characterizing my health journey as primarily an effort to get as skinny as possible is putting it in a negative light. And perhaps humour that amuses yourself at the expense of being negative to someone else might not be a very kind thing. I asked her how would she feel if I relentlessly commented on how fat she is or her unhealthy food choices. She said that's different because she's teasing me about a good thing. She didnt see it as a big deal. Said I was "crucifying" her for a very tiny thing. And that I should be secure enough in myself and what I doing to not be upset about it.

She is an otherwise very giving and good person. Should I have just shrugged it off? Was I being too sensitive?

submitted by /u/AspiringPlantHoarder
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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