Friday, June 19, 2020

Trusting the Process & Small Victories

Wow, it's been a while since I've posted here.

A little more than a year ago, I started my weight loss journey. I did great for a few months, but then life happened and I fell off the wagon. At that time, I had lost about 16 lbs (7.25 kg), but then from December last year till April this year, I had gained those 16 lbs back, plus a couple more. After that weight crept on, I stepped back on the scale and felt an urgent need for change when 197 lbs (89.35 kg) in glowing blue numbers were shining up at me. I was ready to dive back in and I made a plan for myself.

Since starting up again, I'm down 11 lbs (4.98 kg). My clothes are starting to fit a little better, I feel better, my palate is changing for the better.

Yet, despite all of those positive changes, all it took was one minor uptick in the number on the scale to bring up all these negative thoughts and uncover a boatload of impatience. Even though I knew I didn't eat enough calories to gain two pounds of fat and logically, it was probably water weight, I couldn't help but feel angry and disappointed in myself. Lo and behold, the next day I stepped on the scale, it dropped below my previous weight.

This reminded me of the importance of trusting the process. As long as I keep within my calorie goal, I will keep losing. And if I do go over, it's not the end of the world. Don't let one "bad" day throw you off course. And, there are SO many things that can influence your weight beyond fat gain.

I wanted to take a moment to share and celebrate some small victories I've noticed over the past week. I think it's important to the process to validate yourself and celebrate your successes, no matter how small as they all add up to building the healthier person you're aiming to become, mind and body.

My Small Victories:

• I've been able to say "no" to myself without remorse when passing fast-food restaurants.

• Fruit no longer tastes like the whisper of a flavor, truly sweet things are too sweet. (Brownies, etc).

• At my doctors' visit yesterday, I had fantastic blood pressure. Ideal, to be exact. I've been close to hypertensive in previous visits, so this was incredible to see. My healthier diet is really paying off.

• Instead of running to the store to replace my finished container of halo top knock of ice cream, I told myself I can wait until the next weekly shopping trip as it's an "extra"/not necessary to my diet.

• I haven't been struggling to stay within my calorie budget.

I truly believe a large part of my downfall last time around was I was consistently trying to fit unhealthy foods into my calorie budget, which is very hard to do when you're trying not to go above 1300 calories max.

Here's what's working for me this time around:

• Eating high-volume, low-calorie meals. I've found an abundance that are delicious and filling.

• Eating much less processed foods than I was previously.

• Planning out my meals for the week and only buying what I need.

• Setting aside enough calories at the end of the day to enjoy halo-top ice cream knock offs.

• Allowing myself to enjoy something indulgent if I'm craving something and can fit it into my calorie budget. (I've enjoyed Firehouse Subs and a Gyro without going over my budget so far).

** If there is any interest, I'd be happy to post and share some recipes that are working for me. :) Thank you for reading this far!

Edit: typo

submitted by /u/vicksieann
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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