Wednesday, June 17, 2020

What I've Learned From Losing The First 20lbs

I started my weight loss journey around a month ago. However, I've only really been eating on my diet and exercise for 3 weeks. I took a week break for my birthday and was binging/eating at maintenance for that week. I was so close to giving up, all I needed was a bad number on the scale. To my surprise not only did I not gain weight, but I also lost 5 more pounds that week! Here are some things I learned which could help you in your journey.

  1. Weight gain is as hard as losing it: It may sound crazy but it's true. IN = OUT. What you've been putting your effort in for many days/weeks/months will not be undone by a small lapse of binging. Wait a day or two after a binge session and step back on the scale, it may go up a little bit, but you also have to account for the carb-loading which causes water retention and water weight. I know it's been reiterated a million times but DO NOT GIVE UP BECAUSE OF A SMALL LAPSE OF BINGING. To put it in perspective say if you binge for 3 days in a row... Say you eat 1000 over maintenance for each of those binges. That would only be less than a pound gained (+0.86 lbs). The magnitude of that weight gain can easily be masked by water weight fluctuations, hormones, and mass of food eaten.
  2. Intermittent Fasting: I generally find that eating later in the day keeps me fuller, even if that means I'm staying up late. My sleep schedule is usually 4AM - 1PM. An average day sees me eating "brunch" at 2PM. It usually consists of mainly carbs but I make sure they contain a lot of fibre (e.g. 2 apples and salad). Then after lunch, the fibre keeps me full for a while in which I do some exercise ( THIS IS WHY I EAT MAINLY CARBS BEFORE EXERCISING, YOU WILL TIRE EASILY IF YOU DON'T) at 4 or 5PM. Then I walk/run, play sports, or whatever that burns calories until 8PM. At times, the fibre has still kept me full until now, but I'll still eat something so I can meet my minimum calorie requirement. This meal will consist of tons of proteins and fats (some sort of fish or red meat) with tons of veggies again. I am properly full until like 4AM, but that's time to sleep anyway.
  3. Non-scale victories: Weight loss is a lot easier if you're not calling yourself a fat pig all day. I look in the mirror a lot more often and check my jawline often, to see its progress. You should be extremely happy even if it is a small change; that positivity will help you keep going. You will not change unless you love yourself enough to change. As a guy, it's probably one of the best feelings in the world to see your jawline develop more and more. Look for that one feature of your body to keep you motivated. Wearing clothes that haven't fit in a while is also a nice nostalgic feeling. Or buying new smaller clothes (even if they don't fit, it will give you motivation anyway) will also keep you motivated. I know quarantine does not allow a lot of occasions to dress up, but do it anyway and bask in your new-found attractiveness. JUST FIND THAT ONE THING THAT YOU CAN BENCHMARK YOUR PROGRESS!
  4. Motivation runs out, habits and discipline don't: Use your honeymoon weight-loss period to develop good habits and discipline. Your willpower will most definitely run out over time (but might be replenished by an NSV or SV). You will get used to eating less/exercising more. Once you lose your willpower, don't give a second thought to cancel your good habits, even if it's just for a day. The more you think about not doing something, the more you'll want to do it. One checkpoint I noticed of developing discipline is that when you have plans, you'll plan around that exercise block you have or you will plan your remaining caloric budget if you're going to eat out. It probably takes around a month.


submitted by /u/thecaptaintrout
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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