Saturday, April 10, 2021

Depression and weight gain/loss

I'm a 27 YO m 230lbs 5'6

Started my weight loss journey after HS. Hated myself. Stayed alone in my house everyday for 2 years and never ate out/ate very little and lost tons of weight. I ate pretty healthy at that time, but I knew I really wanted to drop those pounds to look good and feel more confident.

Over the years, up to 2017, I noticed my weight started to creep up and my great eating habits started to dwindle. Come 2021, after an insane binge sesh, I'm back up to 230 and am utterly crushed, to the point where I don't want to leave my house again until it's gone.

Problem is, I've been yoyo dieting since 2015 or so. I am also depressed right now and because of that, get very serious carb cravings for high calorie foods and I can't just have a little, I eat large quantities of whatever I want.

Anyone have any experience here like mine? Feel like I should give up on trying to lose weight again and doubt that I could ever get to the weight I was before. I mean, I'm already 5 days into counting and am getting these horrible cravings that have caused me to fail innumerous times.

I'm always stressed and tired and this REALLY doesn't help, but being overweight makes it no better.

submitted by /u/sevenseventhree3
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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